Category Archives: P1

Primary One’s weekly update

This week in Primary One we have been learning the ‘ch’ sound and action. Please help us to build words like chip, chop, chat and chick at home.

Our number of the week was 16 and we have been talking about all the things we know about 16 eg what number it comes after, how to write it, ways to make 16 using our fingers and toes. I wonder what next week’s number will be?!!

With Christmas fast approaching our nativity rehearsals have begun. Parts and any lines to learn will be sent home next week so please look out for these and help us to practise at home.

As the weather changes we are becoming quicker and better at getting ourselves prepared for wet and cold playtimes. Please ensure all outdoor clothes are labelled clearly to prevent our lost property bag filling up.

11.11.2016 This week in Primary One

This week our time machines took us to see Super Gran’s house. It was great fun comparing her house to the houses we live in nowadays. We are looking forward to learning more about the rooms in her house.

Our special sound this week is ‘sh’ and we spotted so many ‘sh’ words in our stories and books. We love practising all the sounds that we have learned so far. We also learned two new Tricky Words – ‘to’ and ‘do’. Next week we are going to show our teachers how well we can read and recognise the first 10 Tricky Words.

The new number of the week is 15 and we spent time every day to practise counting to it and backwards. We feel that we need to practise counting backwards some more. Please help us count at home.

We also had a Remembrance Assembly at school today and we all took part in a whole school  two minute silence.

Primary One time travellers!!

101_4606 101_4610 101_4612 101_4617 101_4618 101_4621This week we were ever so excited to meet Nancy, AKA Super Gran! She will be helping us learn about the past and what it was like when she was a little girl. This week we had a look at her suitcase full of things that were special to her. Everything looked and smelt so old. We had to resist the temptation to try one of her favourite rhubarb and custard sweets!

We then got to work designing and building our own time machines to take us back to when Super Gran was a girl.

When she visits next week we will be looking at how houses have changed over the years. 101_4629pb040919Maybe if you have time at the weekend you could take a local walk and look at and talk about the different housing in the area.

This week we have learnt the ee and oo long vowel sounds. Please practise these, and all other sounds, at home. Ask us what happens to our mouth shape when we make these sounds.

We have also learnt tricky words be and was and are becoming very good at spotting these in books we are reading.

Congratulations to all the boys and girls who received a certificate at this year’s first achievement assembly. We are so proud of ALL the children and what they have achieved so far this year so it was very difficult to pick 5 special people!

Our busy week in Primary One

Can you believe our first term in Primary One is nearly finished?!

What a fun and busy time we have had. Our teachers are so proud of how well we have settled into school and are enjoying helping us on our learning journey.

This week we started to learn tricky words and they really are called tricky for a reason!! These words don’t always sound the way we think they should so to help us learn them we need as much practise as possible. The words introduced this week were: I, the and he.

You may have noticed a word wall in our reading folders. These are the words we will be working on in class for at least the next 6 weeks. There is no set completion date for this activity.

We have really enjoyed being part of the whole school community this week. Some P6 pupils have been working with a DJ and invited us to a disco to showcase their new mixing skills. We are looking forward to the Harvest assembly today when we will get to sing our favourite combine harvester song…chug, chug, chug, chug, chugging away!!!!

Have an amazing holiday and thanks again for your continued support.

This week in Primary One

We have now been introduced to all the sounds of the alphabet and are practising lots ahead of our assessment next week. Please help us to learn our sounds and build words at home.

We have been learning about the seasons of the year and love listening to the Pancake manor Seasons song. If you are out for a walk this weekend perhaps you could look for signs and clues that tell us it is Autumn?

Our new number of the week is 11. Can you go on a number hunt around the house or local area to find it? Maybe someone can take a picture of you beside the number 11 and upload it to our blog?

Busy week in Primary One

We enjoyed being part of a whole school celebration to raise awareness and money for MacMillan.
We loved watching Primary 3B’s assembly and we will be thinking and discussing in class the value of thoughtfulness. Can you help us to think of ways how to be thoughtful to others?
Here are our new sounds – z, l, r, w, j and some words to make with them – rug, jug, lip, win, lid, zip and leg.
If you have time this weekend you can go on a number hunt. We have been reinforcing number recognition of numbers to 6.

23.9.16 This week in Primary One…

We have been learning the sounds g,v and x. Here are some new words for you to practise making with your sounds at home:

box fox van got bag mix six

It is great to hear from the children about the games they have been playing with their reading words at home. Keep up the good work!!


We are becoming much more confident at counting forwards and backwards within 10 and if you tell us a sequence of 3 numbers eg “2,3,4” we can tell you which number comes next.  We have also been learning the days of the week and love singing them. Visit if you would like to sing along at home!!

Have a lovely weekend

Primary One and teachers