All posts by Miss McMillan

French Fun in the Sun in P4

For outdoor P.E. this week, we combined playing team games with learning French! We revised French vocabulary of colours, numbers and months while playing Boules and a traditional French playground game. It was fun and we learned together. (Please remember outdoor P.E. kit including outdoor trainers is required on a Tuesday this term in P4).

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P4 Trip to Tesco

In P4 we enjoyed a great trip to Tesco in Bathgate recently. This really helped us with our learning in the areas of healthy eating, Scottish foods and brands and food technology. Activities included: making a roll from dough, tasting fruit and vegetables, learning about types of fish and seafood and tasting some fish and going on a fruit and vegetable treasure hunt to find out which countries they were grown in. We also had the chance to explore the storerooms, fridge and freezer – brrrrrr – the freezer was cold! Thanks to Tracey and her team at Tesco Bathgate.

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P4 trip to Edinburgh

We had our big trip to Edinburgh recently as part of our Scotland topic and we had a fantastic day! We visited Edinburgh Castle where we met Mary Queen of Scots herself! She taught us how to walk and dance like a Royal Court member. We learned about the food that would have been eaten at banquets and the armour that would have been worn. We made pomanders from oranges and cloves and we all dressed up in fancy clothes. At the Palace of Holyroodhouse we went on an investigation around the rooms of Mary Queen of Scots, making notes on our clipboards as we went along. It was fascinating to see where she would have lived and see some of her belongings. The walk up/down the Royal Mile was very exciting with lots to see! Thank you to all who supported this very special outing.


P4 Trout Project

In P4 we were sad to wave goodbye to our fishy friends! But happy that they grew so well and were ready to swim off into the Murieston Water. We did this project with Forth Fisheries and took great care of the trout as they changed from alevins to fry. It was fun seeing them swim off to their new home, although some weren’t too keen on leaving! While we were at the river, we also took part in some river-dipping activities, where we looked in some of the river water for some of the living things that the trout might like to eat. We were able to identify these insects and river creatures using magnifying glasses and charts. Thank you to Forth Fisheries and parents who supported this project.

Sport Relief 2016

Thank you to all who supported Sport Relief this year!

Primary 4 really enjoyed planning and organising this event for the school as a mini-enterprise topic. The Assembly Group held a special assembly linked to the value of “Determination”, which included a film written and produced by the Film Group, plus a dance made up by the wonderful Dance Group.  All classes dressed in sports clothes and took part in the Try-Athlon, an obstacle course co-ordinated by the Events Group, and also the Competition Group held a “Design a Mascot” competition with lots of great entries. Classes were asked to collect as much small change as possible in the class money boxes made by the Money Box Group, who then had a big job counting all the money.  P3a won with £51.54. The Sales Group worked hard to sell 140 wristbands. The Publicity Group kept everyone up to date with events with posters, tannoy announcements and letters.

P4 are delighted to announce that the total raised was £495.80! Thank you to the whole school community!


Sport Relief 2016

Just to remind everybody that it is Sport Relief this week. It is on Friday 18th of March 2016. There will be lots of fun activities this week for everybody. There will be money boxes in your classroom – please bring in loose change and put money in them if possible. There will be a certificate for the winning class.  We are having a competition to design a Sport Relief mascot, with fantastic prizes. We will also be selling wristbands and they will be 1 pound. On Friday there will be an assembly all about Sport Relief and there will be a fun TRY-ATHLON with sports activities for all pupils. Friday will also be a Dress-Down Day and you can wear sports clothes, including something red if possible. Please bring a donation for taking part.

Thank you for helping us raise money for Sport Relief!

By the Publicity Group from P4100_8284