Author Archives: H Swift

P2- Friday 12th June

Good Morning Everyone!

Hope we have all enjoyed supports week and have managed to add to your fitness diary!

Assembly – 9:15am on TEAMS then afterwards on the blog.

Literacy – Reading and answering questions about sports day

WEEK 10 Friday literacy – Sports Day reading

If this doesn’t work, here are the pdf alternatives:

Sports Day – MILD

Sports Day – SPICY

Sports Day – HOT

Maths – Commonwealth Games challenge


If this doesn’t work, here is the pdf alternative:

Sports Day Commonwealth Games Code Breaker


The olympics choice board 

Health and Wellbeing:

This week we are focusing on the red Body Sensations Cog.  Please have a look at the following slides:

Week 10 Body Sensations

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Swift

P2- Thursday 11th June

Good Morning P2

Today, we are using our knowledge of functional writing to create a poster for an athlete then, using our maths skills, we will be calculating ordinal numbers and time intervals.

WEEK 10 Thursday literacy – Athlete information poster instructions

Here is my example for the Athlete, Lynne Beattie.  You will see I have included a title, headings, images (real photographs not drawings) and only 3 colours.

WEEK 10 Thursday Athlete information poster example

Maths – ordinal numbers and time intervals

WEEK 10 NUMERACY – Thursday ordinal numbers and time intervals

IDL- Olympic grid:

Please complete as many activities on the Olympics grid as you can this week.  Thank you for sharing your learning so far – keep it up!

The olympics choice board

Have a lovely day

Miss Swift

P2-Wednesday 10th June

Good morning, P2

I hope you are enjoying SPORTS WEEK and keeping up with your fitness diaries. 


L.I: To understand a text

SC: I can find key words or phrases about athletes.

SC: I can demonstrate I understand questions about athletes.

Today I would like you to read the following slides about two Scottish athletes and answer the questions on the e-form.

Scottish Olympians reading


Analogue clock to digital clocks

Analogue- Digital



Please complete as many activities on the Olympics grid as you can this week.  Thank you for sharing your learning so far – keep it up!

The olympics choice board

HWB – Emotion Works:

Please look at the Red Cog this week.  How are you getting on with this?

Emotion Works Week 10 Body Sensations

Have a lovely day

Miss Swift

P2- Tuesday 9th June

Good Morning Everyone!

I hope you enjoyed your first day of sports week. Mr Blair has some new tasks for you to try today.

Here are today’s other tasks.

Choose one or 2 from the grid.


Health and Wellbeing Emotion works red Cog this week.

Emotion Works week three P1

Maths – Time Tasks



Literacy – Magic e and Reading

Phonics Session 2 magic e with e Tuesday 9th June

Continue to complete your fitness diary.

Have a lovely day and have fun!

Miss Swift

P2- Monday 8th June

Good morning everyone 🙂

So the theme this week is SPORT and FITNESS!

We will be having a virtual ‘Sports Day’ event over the course of the week! You will complete different activities  at home and record your score. Your scores will be added up for your house team and the winner announced on Monday 15th! Keep posted for details each day on Twitter and the Blog!

If you’re not sure of your School House, you can ask us.  The colours are:

Erskine is red, Freskyn is yellow, Stewart is green and Shairp is blue

Literacy – Fitness Diary


L.I: To organise my writing

S.C: I can write a fitness diary for each day of the week 

This week we are asking you to keep track of your fitness using a diary.  You can use this template, write in your own diary or write in your jotter/on paper.  Included is an example diary to support your writing.  There is also a helpful hints page and a self-assessment page should you wish to use them.

Example Fitness Diary

Diary writing helpful hints

Diary writing self-assessment

My Fitness Diary

Remember to include the days, dates, timings, activity, who you did the activity with, where you did the activity, and how it made you feel.  It is your diary so use ‘I’ and ‘my’ when you are writing.

Numeracy/ Maths– Time is very important within Sport. Athletes compete to get the best time to complete different events (e.g. running, hurdles etc) and this is how the winner is decided.  Let’s start by recapping the units of time and how to tell the time to o’clock, half past.

Maths time o’clock

O’clock- half past


Phonics-Session magic e with e monday 8th june

Afternoon Activity: Choose and complete one activity from the grid The olympics choice board

Emotion Works: Emotion Works week three P123

Have a lovely day

Miss Swift