Hi everyone! Hope you’re getting on well. I just wanted to pop on to list a few extra resources which we’ve found that might be helpful!
BBC Bitesize have been posting daily lessons and challenges, like this maths challenge here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zbqrcqt
There’s loads of variety of topics and activities on the website.
West Lothian have created a resource with weekly challenges to keep everyone inspired: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/wl/stayinspired/challenges-2/
Topmarks have lots of games and resources that can be sorted by topic or by level, including P3B’s favourite Hit The Button!
For reading, Oxford Owl has a fantastic free library of ebooks that can be sorted by age or by ORT stage. You need to make a free account to access the ebook library but it is completely free to access! https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/
I have been posting daily challenges on my Twitter account @missblyth1 which everyone is welcome to access and try out too!
I hope this has been useful, and keep up the hard work everyone! We are so proud of everything you’ve been doing to keep your brains engaged and learning over the last few weeks!
Good morning P3. We hope you are all well and ready for another week of learning activities. We love to see your fantastic efforts so please share your learning when you can by Tweeting to @missblyth1 and @MrsLDee
The timetable on the grid is meant as a guide. Remember to just do what you can. There are lots of things you can do around the house that count as learning too, such as helping with laundry, making shopping lists, helping with cooking and cleaning.
Hi Primary 3! We hope that you all had a lovely time during your 2 week break and that you were able to enjoy the gorgeous weather safely at home
Following some feedback about the Blog, we have changed it. We have created a timetable as a guide that you can dip in and out of when it suits your family
P3 Week Three Home Learning Grid Week beginning 20/4/20
The timetable below is just a guide. Feel free to complete the activities as and when you wish. Find the activities as attached documents. P3 Week Three Home Learning Grid
Spelling: common words beginning with “d” and “e”
Handwriting and silly poem
Active Spelling
Spelling mistakes and word search
Active Spelling
Silent Reading alone for 15 minutes
Character Traits Activity
Silent Reading alone for 15 minutes
Wanted character Activity
Read your Free Writing Story to someone
Noun and Adjective Sort
Write a Set of instructions for an activity the you might have done during your Easter holidays – this could be an Easter Egg Hunt
Ask your adult to check your instructions against the checklist
Free Writing Friday
Make an Easter dot-to dot picture for someone to complete
Maths: Data handling
Task 1: Tally Marks
Task 2: Graph Questions
Task 3: Follow up
Lesson 3: Producers and Consumers
Social Science
Lesson 3: Plastic’s journey to the ocean
Food and expressing preferences: Do you like..?/I like…/I don’t like…
Lesson 3: The Inspiring Life of Jesus: Zacchaeus
Expressive Arts
Drama: Emotions game
Art: Emotions collage
Music: Emotion songs
Dance: Oti Mabuse on Youtube
Health and Wellbeing
Emotion works: 5 cog model using a film
Create your own routine
Practise routine
Practise routine
Obstacle course
All activities will not appear on the Blog Post but as separate documents which will be attached (as suggested ).
We hope that you are all well and safe at home Your P3 teachers are missing you all very much! Here is our Week 2 Post of different learning activities that you can dip in and out of. Again, this is more than we would cover in a week in school, as we have provided lessons for every curricular area here If you are feeling that this is too much, you could try one Numeracy Activity a day and one Literacy Activity a day (Spelling OR Reading OR Writing), with possibly one more curricular area. We wanted pupils to have access to as many curricular experiences as possible so that they can enjoy the subjects that they love in school, as well as challenging themselves to progress in new learning and skills!
Please let us know how you get on, we’d love to hear from you,
P3 Teachers
P3 Blog Home Learning Activities
P3 Literacy (Reading and Writing) Activities – Week beginning 30th March 2020
Task 1 Warm-Up:
Make a list of your top 5 favourite books that you have at home.
Task 2 Main:
Each day choose a book from this list to read through them with your adult. Your adult should ‘Pick and Mix’ from the reading questions below to ask you, to check your understanding of the story.
Pick and Mix Reading Questions
– Who are the characters?
– How do you think the character felt when … (think about your emotion works for this one!)
– Do you think the character would make a good friend? Why or why not?
– How are the characters similar/different to each other?
– Why do you think the character did this?
– What happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story? (space these out as you ask)
– How would you have solved the problem?
– What other ways could the problem have been solved?
– What’s the best part in the book? Why?
– How would you change the story?
Making Real-Life Connections
– Have you ever met anyone like the character?
– Has something similar ever happened to you?
– Does this book remind you of any other books that you have read? In what way?
– Could the story happen in real-life? Why or why not?
Reading Strategies
– Summarise what happened in the story.
– What do you think could happen next?
– Why do you think the author wrote this book?
– Who is telling the story?
– Do you have any more questions about this story?
– What did you picture when you read this part?
Task 3 Close:
Skim through your story this time and pause each time you can see a character’s behaviour change, as well as what may be the trigger for this.
Image of Emotion Works looking glass
Make a story map!
A storymap is an arrangement of pictures and short phrases that briefly tell a story to entertain us. A comic strip is a good example of a storymap. In schools, we can use story maps to summarise a story and give a brief description of what our story is going to be about, the story map can act as your plan or notes.
Here are some examples of storymaps.
Images of Storymaps
Task 1 Warm-Up:
Put together a storymap based on one of your favourite books. You can see below that I have used the story ‘The Day The Crayons Quit’
Story Map
The Day The Crayons Quit
Duncan and his crayons
The crayons are feeling very unappreciated and need more care and attention
Duncan comes up with a creative solution to make all of his crayons feel loved and appreciated again
Giving thanks/showing appreciation for what you have
This task will help you to become familiar with putting together a storymap.
Task 2 Main:
Now come up with your own story, using your storymap to help you use your imagination and plan out your ideas. Remember at this planning stage you can change and adapt things!
Then use your storymap to write your story! Remember those Capital Letters, finger spaces and full stops.
Task 3 Author’s Chair:
Gather your family round and get a chair to sit on in front of your audience and tell your story just like an author would!
Spelling Activities P3 – Week beginning March 30th 2020
This week we are focusing on common words beginning with ‘c’.
Here are the words for each group listed below.
Image 1: Spelling Words
You can copy these out, then cover them and try to spell them from memory. You can copy them in to your jotter provided.
Day 1:
Task 1: Complete the handwriting task below (if you do not have access to a printer – you can copy this in to your jotter using a ruler )
Image 2: Handwriting Task
Task 2: Highlight the common words in the silly story with a highlighter. (again if you do not have access to a printer, read the story with an adult and point out all the common words when you find them )
Image 3: Highlight the silly poem
Find the words
Find the common words in the silly poem! Highlight them every time you read them.
caught children come could check
clear couldn’t circle crowd
There once was a dog called Bud
He made a circle in the mud
Children loved him
The crowd of people loved him
He couldn’t wait for cuddles
And liked to splash in puddles
He could do tricks
And collect lots of sticks
He didn’t have a collar
The police had to check
He tried to run but they said
‘Come here! Are you someone’s pet’
When they caught up with him
They began to cheer, it was clear
For there was his collar, hidden under his ear!
He could go home
And chew on his bone
If you complete these tasks you can choose something from the spelling section on the home learning grid
Day 2:
Task 1: fix the spelling mistakes (if you cannot print this, ask an adult to help you copy it )
Image 4: Fix the Spelling Mistakes
Correct the spelling mistakes that are circled below then re-write the sentences below with all the correct spellings.
Correct spelling
My friend said I cood borrow her new pencils.
The teacher told me to chek my spelling for mistakes.
The fireman found out the coz of the fire.
It was a cleer night and I could see lots of stars.
All the childrin wanted to play outside in the sunshine.
**(stop the video at 6 minutes 50 seconds as it goes on to say about carrying using chimney but we are working to be able to add within 100 mentally from what we have learned from our teachers in school)**
Task 2 – Main:
How far can you get on our challenge chart? Play these online games and see how far you can move down the table.
**(stop the video at 4 minutes 48 seconds as it goes on to say about regrouping using chimney sums but we are working to be able to subtract within 100 mentally from what we have learned from our teachers in school)**
Task 2 – Main:
How far can you get on our challenge chart? Play these online games and see how far you can move down the table.
Select addition and subtraction – then you can select up to 10, 20, 50 or 100 – decide on the level of challenge you want to give yourself or work through them in order to build up your confidence!
Challenge: Ask an adult to set you a challenge and go beyond the fact families from the game. Your adult shuld miss out some numbers to really challenge your thinking! Look at the examples below.
140+___= 210
452+___ =600
148+ ___=600
2100-1000= ___
Day 4 Addition and Subtraction Strategies:
Task 1 – Warm Up:
Discuss with an adult the different types of mental strategies we learned for addition and subtraction. Here is a reminder below:
The jump addition strategy is when you add 2 numbers together and you jump forwards in your head in jumps of 2s, 5s, 10s.
For example:
22+20= 22 jump on 10 takes you to 32, then another jump takes you to your answer = 42
You can do this by counting in 10s off the decuple. Here is a reminder of how you would do that:
You can also use this strategy when subtracting by counting backwards in jumps of 2s, 5s or 10s.
For example:
52-20= 52 jump back 10 is 42, the another jump back of 10 more takes you to your answer =32
The split strategy is a little bit different. When adding you can split up the tens numbers and the ones, add them separately in your head and then add it all together again at the end.
For example:
Add the tens – 30+10=40
Add the ones – 2+2=4
Then add the two answers you got to make the final total = 44
You can use this strategy for subtraction too, see the example below.
For example:
Take away the tens – 70-30=40
Take away the ones – 6-1=5
Then add the two answers you got to make the final total = 45
17- count on in 1s 9 times 18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25, 26
Your last number you land on will give you your answer
You can count back in your head to subtract
12 – count back in 1s 6 times 11,10,9,8,7, 6
Your last number you land on will give you your answer
Remember this is not the quickest or most accurate strategy so we don’t want to rely on this too much!
Friendly Number Strategy
Some numbers can be a bit more complicated to add on to and we like to make these numbers more rounded and easier to add on to.
For example:
19 isn’t a friendly number, so we want to turn this into one by taking a 1 from 22 and creating
That way we know double 20 is 40 and then we can add on the 1 to give us the answer 41
You can also use this strategy in subtraction problems
For example:
to solve 16 – 9, one might recognise that the friendly number 10 is 6 less than 16, then count back 1 more to 9 to find that the difference is 7.
Task 2 – Main:
Ask your adult to write out some 2 digit addition and subtraction problems for you, try to work out the answers to these mentally, using one of the strategies above and then explain to your adult which strategy you used and how you used it. Remember you are always looking for the most efficient (quickest) and most accurate strategy!
Ask your adult to write out some 3 and 4 digit addition and subtraction sums if you have answered their 2 digit sums with confidence.
P3 Maths Week Beginning 30th March
Skills Focus: Data Handling
Task 1 – Warm-up:
We will be thinking about using tally marks and sorting items into categories this week. Remember, each tally mark represents one item, and when you have four tally marks, your fifth one crosses over to create a gate.
A quick way to figure out how many you have is by counting in 5s! If you have two bundles of 5 tally marks, you know you have ten items all together.
Try this fun game and answer the questions about tally marks.
Challenge yourself to sort items you can find into different categories. For example, you could sort lego into colours, shapes, sizes etc. Maybe you could help a grown up sort the Tupperware cupboard, or sort your toys into different groups. Use pieces of paper to label each category – remember, it’s really important to label each category so that another person can understand how the items have been sorted. Then ask someone to give you another idea for how to sort your items. Here is an example I created with some books:
Book image 1 & 2
Then use the items to create a pictograph, like this:
Book image 3
Once you’ve done that, ask yourself the following questions:
Which category is the most popular?
Which is the least popular?
Are there any categories that have the same amount?
How many more does the most popular category have than the least?
Write your answers using tally marks!
Task 3 – Follow Up:
Try this fun game and answer the questions about the pictograph!
Throughout the week, ask your grown up if you can help them organise and sort things around the house. Maybe you could sort out the spices in the cupboard by colour, or the books on a bookshelf by size! Try tallying up the number of items in each category – don’t forget to make your fifth tally mark a diagonal line!
P3 Other Curricular Areas Activities – Week beginning 30th March
Theme: The Inspiring Life of Jesus
Lesson 3: Stories about Jesus that inspire people: Feeding the 5000/Walking on Water
Learning intention: to explain how miracle stories of Jesus inspire Christians to live values in their everyday lives.
Talk about the difference between a magic trick and a miracle.
What is the difference between these tricks and a miracle? Explain to children that miracles are stories that have a huge ‘wow’ factor. Religious people see God at work in miracle stories. There are a lot of miracle stories in the Bible about Jesus.
Find out about the stories of two miracles – Jesus feeding the 5000 and walking on water:
Which ocean is the largest and which one is the smallest?
Can you remember why oceans are important? (Hint – there are three reasons).
Activity 2: The Great Barrier Reef is an amazing underwater world in one of the Earth’s oceans – the film will tell you which one! Lots of creatures live there. Watch closely and see if you can spot the following animals:
Activity 2: Alexa had drawn faces on vegetables for her quiz. Design a fun poster of cartoon vegetables, labelling all 10 vegetables in French if you can!
Food chains
Lesson 1.
LI: To explore examples of food chains and appreciate how animals and plants depend on each other for food.
What is a food chain? A food chain shows how animals depend on other plants and animals for their food. A food chain tells you what animals eat.
The arrows show the direction in which the food energy is passed: from the seed to the shrew (a small animal a bit like a mouse), then from the shrew to the fox. The arrows mean ”eaten by”.
Warm up: talk to your partner and try to imagine what a food chain might look like for a) a cow? b) a shark, and c) a bird?
Some animals, like cows, only eat plants. Some, like sharks, only eat other animals. Some, like birds, eat plants and animals.
This video tells us more about the plants and animals in a food chain. Listen carefully for some vocabulary that might be new to you: herbivore, carnivore and omnivore. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuO4WB4SwCg
Main activity: These food chains have been mixed up! Can you tell your partner what order they should go in?
Quiz time!
A herbivore eats……………………
An omnivore eats…………………………………..
A carnivore eats……………………………………..
True or false?
An owl is a herbivore.
A cat is a carnivore.
A cow is an omnivore.
Conclusion: Food chains show the transfer of energy from a plant or animal to another animal. The arrows in the chain mean “eaten by”. Animals can be herbivores, carnivores or omnivores.
P3 Other Curricular Areas Activities – Week beginning 30th March
Health and Wellbeing/PE
Theme: Keeping Active
Cosmic Kids Yoga is a great way to centre your mind and keep your body strong. Saturday Morning Yoga can be done any day of the week! Take your shoes off, find a space and get your body moving! Challenge your grown ups to join in too!
If you enjoy that video, there are loads more on the channel you can enjoy.
Try this guided meditation to help calm your mind. J
Here is a quick yoga flow to get your mind ready to work!
Health and Wellbeing – Self-Esteem and Kindness
Try creating an acrostic poem with the letters of your name. Think about all the great qualities you have! Here is an example:
M agical
A rtistic
R esponsible
I ncredible
A mazing
Decorate your poem with lovely pictures and colours. If you like, you can create one for someone else and pass on the kindness!
Expressive Arts
Theme: Mime & Movement
Warm up your body before you begin. This game is called ‘waiter plate’. You have to imagine you are a waiter in a busy restaurant with a plate on each hand and you have to move them around without ever letting the food fall off. Your arms should be constantly moving but your palms should always be facing the ceiling. Watch this video for an example:
Start off using one hand ‘plate’ and then add a second plate. If you feel confident, you can move around the room while you do it!
Main: Recite the alphabet in your head. Ask another person to ask you to stop. Whatever letter you land on, you must then use your body to create something beginning with that letter. For example, if you land on the letter ‘c’ you might kneel down with your hands at your head to create ears like a cat. Take it in turns to guess what the other person is doing. If you have a few people with you, this game can be done in teams!
Close: This game is called ‘the Mirror Game’ and should be slow and relaxing. Sit facing your partner and choose one person to go first. Whatever person A does, person B has to copy. All your movements should be smooth and slow. This will help cool down your muscles and relax your mind.
Art and Design
Create a kindness garden. Follow the instructions below to create five flowers. Write a kind act on each flower. Each day, pick a flower from the garden and try to do that kind act throughout the day. Here are some examples for acts you could put in your garden:
Make a card for a friend or relative.
Help a grown up cook a meal.
Tell someone three things you think they are good at.
Remember, use whatever you have around you to create your flowers – this is your kindness garden, be creative!
Use all the skills we have learned about rhythm and beat to create your own beat to accompany to a piece of music. It can be a piece of music of your choosing or you can use the Jeely Piece song we’ve practised in class!
Remember, a beat is a pattern of sound that repeats. You can use anything you can find to create this beat—an upturned Tupperware makes a good drum or even clapping your hands in a fun rhythm!
Challenge: ask someone to copy your beat. Ask them to create one for you to copy.
Watch the video and dance along with the moves. Once you’ve tried it once, see if you can come up with a few of your own moves and teach them to someone else!
Hi everyone! Miss Blyth here! Hope you are all doing well this morning and are enjoying the activities we have posted here. I will be posting lots of other ideas on my twitter account @MissBlyth1 for fun activities, challenges and educational content!
We hope that you are all well and keeping safe. We have prepared lots of activities that you can dip in and out of as much or as little as you like. There are activities for every curricular area on this Blog, but please know this is even more than we would be able to fit in to a school week. Hence why this is a choice as to what you would like to work on. We have kept the learning very active and game-based, as well as including links to online games and videos.
Comment below and let us know how you are getting on!
Thanks for your support,
P3 Teachers.
P3 Literacy (Reading and Writing) Activities – Week beginning 23rd March 2020
Choose from the books that you have at home and choose any of these Reading Bingo activities below:
Read on your couch
Read to a pet or sibling
Read your favourite book
Read someone else’s favourite book (someone in your house)
Read while eating a snack
Read by the window
Read for 20 minutes
Read on a weekend day
Read a fairytale
Read in your jammies
Read a book about animals
Read in your garden
Read to a stuffed animal/teddy
Read on a picnic rug (you could have a teddy bear’s picnic!)
Read with a torch, in the dark
Read for 30 minutes
Read a non-fiction book
Read under the covers
Read for 15 minutes
Read out loud
Read to a family member
Read a rhyming book
Read in bed
Reading wearing a costume
Read to someone over the phone
Remember try and get BINGO by getting 5 in a row, column or diagonal!
Choose from any of the Writing Bingo activities below:
Write 5 words the describe you
Write 5 words the describe someone in your home
Write about the best holiday or trip that you have ever had
Make a list of all of the things you can see in your bedroom
Write about your favourite memory from school and ask an adult to the same – compare them
Write a story about the funniest thing that has ever happened to you
Write a letter to someone in a different house to you (include your address so that they can write back!)
Write a diary in your bed at night, do it in the dark with a torch!
Make a list of your favourite foods and try to put them in alphabetical order
Write a fairytale but make yourself the main character!
Write a sequel to your favourite book
Write 3 questions that you would like to ask someone important
Write about your favourite animal, hobby or place
Write a description about someone in your home and an adult has to guess who it is about!
Ask an adult to write 3 reasons why they are proud of you
Write a thank you card to someone
Write a report about someone you look up to
Write all of weekly spelling words and make a game of snap/pairs
Read a story and write a brief summary of what it was about
Write 3 sentences and check them over for capital letters, finger spaces and full stops
Write a word with your finger on someone’s back and they have to guess what it is
Write a poem with someone at home, remember those rhyming words!
Write a story using some Scots words
Ask your adult to give you a sound (e.g ch) and you have to write as many words as you can thing of beginning with that sound (e.g chips, chicken, children)
Make a wordsearch for an adult
Remember try and get BINGO by getting 5 in a row, column or diagonal!
Spelling Activities P3 – Week beginning March 23rd 2020
This week we are focusing on common words beginning with ‘b’.
Here are the words for each group listed below.
You can copy these out, then cover them and try to spell them from memory. You can copy them in to your jotter provided.
Day 1:
Task 1: Complete the handwriting task below (if you do not have access to a printer – you can copy this in to your jotter using a ruler :))
Task 2: Highlight the common words in the silly story with a highlighter. (again if you do not have access to a printer, read the story with an adult and point out all the common words when you find them )
If you complete these tasks you can choose something from the spelling section on the home learning grid
Day 2:
Task 1: fix the spelling mistakes (if you cannot print this, ask an adult to help you copy it )
Task 2: Wordsearch – find all of our common words (point to the words on the screen with an adult if you are not able to print J )
If you complete these tasks you can choose something from the spelling section on the home learning grid
P3 Maths and Numeracy tasks – Week beginning 23rd March 2020
Skill focus: Numeracy – Multiplication and Division, Maths – Time
** Please note that any of these games can be adapted to any timestables so if your child is confident and ready to move on to the 7 or 8 timestables, you adapt these accordingly **
Day 1:
Task 1 – Warm-up:
Sing our Timestables songs. Here are the links below:
Play a game of Build a Box, using your multiplication and division skills. This is a new game so read the instructions carefully J (if you are unable to print you can make this easily on a blank piece of paper )
Challenge: Make a Build a Box game for the 3 or 4 Timetables
Day 2:
Task 1- Warm-up:
Multiplication and Division online game (2 player) new game
You can select the timestables you want to work on, you can select more than one at a time (see example below with instructions )
Task 2 – Main:
Trios for Multiples (new game)
Intended learning: To identify sequences of numerals representing three consecutive multiples.
Resources needed: deck of cards for whichever times table you are working on, you will need four copies of each card.
(For example: if you were playing with the 2 timestables you would need 4 cards for each of these numbers; 2,4,8,10,12,14,16,18,20). As shown below.
Instructions: 2 or 3 players are each dealt 5 cards from a deck of numeral cards containing multiples of a given number (the example above shows in 2s). the remaining cards are placed face down, forming a draw pile, and the top card is turned over and placed beside the stack, forming a discard pile. The goal is to collect a series, or trio, of 3 consecutive multiples (for 2s, an example of a trio would be 4,6,8). At their turn, a player may take either the top card from the draw pile or the top card from the discard pile. If the player’s hand contains a trio the cards are displayed on the table and saved by that player. Whether or not a trio is formed, the player’s turn ends by selecting a card from their hand and placing it in the discard pile. If the draw pile is depleted, the discard pile is shuffled to form a new draw pile. The game ends when one player is out cards. Whoever has the most trios wins. See example below.
Challenge: combine decks of several sets of multiples – for example you can add 5s and 10s in – children then must decide what sequence they are working on for a given number and which numbers fit into the sequence.
You can select the multiples you want to skip count in and the ‘whack the mole’ in order of these multiples. In the example below, I have selected to skip count in 2s and so far I have ‘whacked’ 2, 4, 6, and 8 moles, so the next mole I will be looking for is 10.
Task 2 – Main:
Where Do I Go? Game (known game)
Where Do I Go? Is a game that we have played several times in class. It can be made easily at home with paper and pens/pencils. Here are the instructions below with examples of the sets of cards. You can make the cards so that they start from any given number – for example, the 2 timestables can start from 12 and go on from there rather than starting at 2.
Challenge: make Where Do I Go? with a multiple that you don’t know as well as the 2s 5s and 10s.
OR try it backwards!
Day 4:
Task 1 – Warm Up:
Watch this BBC video about multiplication and division using arrays
Select the first number you would like to start making your multiplication sum. I have clicked 2, then on the next screen the times sign will show along with the numbers.
I have clicked 2 x 4. Pause here before you click the equals = button and use a scrap piece of paper to draw the array that matches this sum. When you have drawn this click the = button to check if you got it correct.
When you click the = button you will see what your array should look like J Pause here again and think about this array if it was divided – draw what you think it should look like underneath your first array. When you have done this click the divide sign ÷ and check if you are correct.
Click AC to start again and repeat this process again. Choose a new sum.
Challenge: If you feel confident in your 2s 5s and 10s, challenge yourself with the 3s and 4s.
You can select different options on the menu to start of easy and progress in challenge throughout, as shown below.
Task 2 – Main:
Look out for these times throughout the day on your clock at home and record them in your jotter.
9 o’clock half past 10 quarter past 3 quarter to 6
Challenge: record in analogue and digital times!
Then, use the clock that you have made at home (as suggested on your home learning grid) to make different times as called out by your adult. If you haven’t made your clock you can make it now
Here is a template to help you:
P3 Other Curricular Areas Activities – Week beginning 23rd March
Health and Wellbeing/PE
Theme: Keeping Active
Joe Wicks has announced that he is going to be releasing PE videos at 9am weekdays on his youtube channel. These videos will be a great way to get moving in the morning and ready for your day ahead
Theme: Kindness – keep going with your Kindness Calendar P3A!!
Act out the following scenarios with someone and decide how you would deal with the situation in a kind way.
Note to Parents and Carers before starting this roleplay:
Art and Design
Create a piece of art that represents showing kindness to others or what you think kindness should look like. Here is an example below to inspire you (remember you can plan, design and create this piece of art in any way that you want :)).
Remember to incorporate rhyming words in to your song.
Here is an example to get you thinking about it:
It’s cool to be kind,
In whatever way,
We don’t mind,
There will be big smiles,
You will find,
If everyone in the world,
Could be kind
Try to plan and perform an interpretive dance all about kindness, this dance could be for the people in your home, showing them how much you love and care for them.
Here is an example of a dance about strength and bravery to one of our favourite songs from The Greatest Showman – This is Me
Lesson 2 – What does Jesus look like? (Lesson 1 covered in school)
LI: Investigate the differing images of Jesus and explain the reason for this.
Activity: Ask children to say what they know about Jesus. Give them a true / false quiz, where they move to one side of the room or the other to show their answers to the following statements: Jesus was born in Bethlehem (T) / Jesus comes after Queen Victoria (F) /Jesus was British (F) / Jesus had 12 friends called disciples (T) / Jesus was a fisherman (F) /The mother of Jesus was called Mary (T).
Explain that whilst Jesus is a famous historical figure, very little is known about his appearance. Do children know why this might be? (Stories of Jesus are over 2000 years old – no photographs etc. from that time.)
Look at a variety of different images & discuss where the images may have come from. Show pics 1- 4 Jesus (Indian, African, Persian, White). Why has he been shown in each way? (Images of Jesus tend to show ethnic characteristics similar to those of the culture in which the image has been created.)
Invite children to discuss their own image of Jesus. Draw an image in their books and explain why they think he might look this way.
and explain that how we look is not a true reflection of who we are.
Social Studies
Theme: Sea Animal and the effects of plastic in the ocean
Our next topic in P3 is all about Sea Animals and the effects of plastic in the ocean. All classes have touched upon the start of this topic, but we haven’t been able to go into any depth as yet.
Task 1 – Warm-Up:
Think about as many sea animals as you can and list them. Next to each animal write what kind of habitat (home) that they need. Then think about why it is important that their habitat remains clear of any plastic.
and come up with a plan as to how you would work together with your household to protect these sea animals.
Theme: Reduce, Reuse, Reinvent, Recycle
Task 1 – Warm-Up Discussion:
Ask the children what type of things do we recycle? Bottles, paper, newspaper, plastic containers, aluminum cans etc.
Ask them why do we need to recycle? Increasing population and an over reliance on products and packaging leads to too many landfills (there is only so much we can dump in the ground. We need more things that we can reuse more than once.
What are some other good things we can do apart from just recycling? Reuse, reduce and reinvent. These ideas, along with recycling, are very important when it comes to humans looking after the planet.
Reduce: The most effective way of managing waste is not to produce it in the first place. By not buying packaging we save things from being thrown out. Always look out for packaging that is recycled. Buy things from places that use fewer containers or let you use your own recycled ones.
Reuse: This is the continued use of a product in its original form. For example, instead of throwing out your old microwave when you get a new one, you could sell it at a garage sale or trade it in. Try and use containers, plastic bags and newspapers as many times as possible.
Reinvent: This is when you make new, useful things from recyclable objects. For example, using old plastic containers as lunch boxes, making crafts from old boxes and containers, making jewelry boxes from old containers, making original toys and dolls out of unwanted objects or even making costumes from recycled material. Junk isn’t always something messy like a banana peel, it can include perfectly useable, clean objects that just no longer serve their original function.
Recycle: Wash, squash and recycle. Fold up old newspapers and tie them together. Make old things into new or different products.
Task 2 – Main
As data-handling is our upcoming topic in maths, let’s start with an easy tally chart like we do to collect our house points in school. Tally how many things that you are recycling each day. Think: is there anything else I can recycle? Or can I help my adult to find food in the supermarket that as little to no packaging?
Theme: Food vocabulary
We have been learning all about names for different types of food in French.
Task 1 – Warm-Up:
Tell your adult at home all about the names for the different foods you know in French (the list above ^^ will help ).
Task 2 – Main:
Have a look around your house and try to name as different foods in French as you can. If you come across something that you are unsure of then ask an adult to help you look it up online so that you know what the French word is