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Welcome to June P2A

Good morning P2A, what a lovely day it is!

It was so amazing to see how well you engaged with Fitness Fortnight and I’m very glad you enjoyed the activities.

Here is your week 8 learning grid.
P2 Home Learning Grid – Week 8 (New Format)

You may notice there are a few more activities. The grid will now have 1 literacy activity, 1 Numeracy activity and 2 other activities for each day.  This is just to give you some more options of activities to try out. As usual, you do not need to complete all activities and some of them you might try out more than once.  Remember to share any activities you do with me on Twitter. I will also be setting some assessments on Sumdog if you want to have a go.

I am so proud of all your hard work so far, keep it up!

P3 teachers’ deep sea adventure.

During the February break the P3 teachers had an amazing adventure. The teachers were all ready to go on a trip in Miss McGregor’s submarine. They were going to the ocean to observe sea creatures, but were worried the huge submarine might frighten them away. What Miss McGregor and Mrs Dunsmore didn’t know was that Miss Blyth had been busy inventing a shrink ray in secret. After many difficult tests and tweaks it was finally finished. Miss Blyth suggested bringing her shrink ray on the trip. If the submarine was smaller, they could go among the creatures and not scare them. What a great idea! The animals under the sea were not at all worried at the sight of the tiny submarine. When the trip was over, Miss Blyth used the reverse switch on her shrink ray to return the submarine and the teachers back to their normal size. Miss Blyth, Miss McGregor and Mrs Dunsmore had a wonderful trip that they would never forget.

Word families under the sea part 2

Hello P3. Today we have the “ed” word family. There are 5 “ed” words on today’s star fish:

bed, fed, led, red and wed.

Can you come up with some of your own?

Yesterday I added some words to my “ip” list – pip, ship and trip.

The P3 teachers love to see your work, so if you can, please share any word family art, word family lists and grid activity by commenting on this post or on Twitter, tagging @missblyth1 and @MrsLDee

Word families under the sea.

Good morning P3. Well done on all your fantastic Sports Day achievements.  It was lovely to see you joining in. Some of you may have seen the picture of the word family flower garden from a few days ago. I had so much fun making it I have a new theme for practising more word families. Today we have the “ip” word family, and I’ve added a crab into the picture. Now I need to come up with a name for the crab. Do you have any suggestions? If you’d like to create a word family picture and share it with us please tag @missblyth1 and @MrsLDee

P2A Fitness Fortnight Week 2

Hi P2A,

I just wanted to say how impressed I have been with all your engagement so far in Fitness Fortnight. Just  a reminder that if you are wanting any alternative activities during this week please make use of the websites IDL, Sumdog, Education City and Teach your monster to read. I have set up a class competition and some assessments to have a go at on Sumdog if you would like. Head over to my page on Twitter @CetrangoloMiss to see my attempt of activity 1 for Sports Day. I have tried uploading it to the blog, however it wont let me.
Enjoy Sports Day! Keep up the good work P2A!

PE Daily Challenge – Day 17

Today our challenge is set by @Beats_10 who captained the TeamGB volleyball team at the London Olympics. Lynne also competed for Team Scotland in the inaugural women’s beach volleyball tournament at the 2018 Commonwealth Games. @COUTTS_BEATSBVB

P2A Update

Hi P2A,

I am so impressed with how well you are engaging with Fitness Fortnight. I’m enjoying taking part in the activities myself. As an optional extra I have created Place Value and Spelling assessments on Sumdog. As usual, option b in the spelling assessments is more challenging. These are running until the Sunday 31st March.  You also have the West Lothian Sumdog competition which finishes tomorrow. All you have to do to take part is play the games. Remember you also have access to IDL, Education City and Teach your monster to read.  I have created more folders on Education City which have new activities for you to have a go at as well. If you can please share your learning with me on Twitter or through the blog as I love seeing the activities you are doing at home.

Well done for all your hard work so far!