All posts by wlkieran.tennant@glow

Fitness Fortnight – Week 1

Good morning everyone, please watch the video below and then access the PowerPoint for detailed instructions on Fitness Fortnight Week 1.  I hope you enjoy the tasks over the next week and all class teachers and I will be available throughout if you need any help 🙂

PE Daily Challenge – Day 3

Good morning boys and girls,

Mrs Lafferty from St John Ogilvie has set today’s challenge for you.

Day 3 of our PE challenges is below, remember to post on here or on Twitter @Tennant_PE and let me see you trying to get a high score 🙂

Today you will need 5 pairs of socks, one box as a target and a space 3 steps away from your box.

Good luck!

PE Daily Challenge

Morning everyone, here’s today’s challenge, the video with me in it is a bit more tricky and the one with my little girl is a little bit easier. Good luck

PE Daily Challenge P1-3

Good morning boys and girls, today we have a new challenge for PE. You will need 1 toilet roll (or another household object to replace a ball) and a space big enough to move around.
How creative can you be in the object you choose?
Is there another object that can make the challenge a bit easier or harder?
How many keepy uppys can you do with your object using lots of different parts of your body at one time? Good luck!

PE Challenge P1-P3

Afternoon boys and girls, today I have a challenge for you which focuses on our fine motor skills. It’s about little movements with parts of our body.

To complete the challenge you will need 3 teabags, 1 mug and a space big enough for 5 steps backwards.

How many teabags can you get in the mug from 5 steps away?

If you find it tricky, try stepping forward or using a bowl instead of a mug. If you think you want to make it a bit harder try throwing with the hand you do not write with 😀

Good luck!