All posts by Mr Aitken

P7 Home Learning Monday 27th April

Hello everyone, and welcome to another week of Home Learning.  We hope you are all doing OK and are continuing to look after one another and staying safe.

This upcoming week we will be focusing on Data Handling in Maths, spelling and grammar in literacy and we will continue our focus on Transition to High School, amongst many other things!

If accessing Teams is proving difficult please get in touch.  You can also find a whole host of lessons appropriate to P7 here: BBC Bitesize 2nd Level

Below we have a table of daily tasks which can be completed at home.  We will also continue to post daily lessons on our P7 Lesson Teams page.

Physical Activity – Aim to complete 1 hour of activity each day.  This could be Joe Wicks Fitness (Live on Youtube at 9am) or one of the many other active tasks available – keep an eye on Mr Tennant’s Twitter page for inspiration!  If you have a task you’d rather do then please go ahead and remember to take photos and upload then to Teams or Twitter.

Free Writing/Daily Journal – Using a digital resource or paper try to write for 30 minutes each day.  This could be a journal keeping track of your thoughts each day or using the Files we have uploaded to Teams.  Try to write different genres – so creative writing one day, personal writing another, a letter to someone you are missing the next etc.


Personal Reading – Continue to read your own reading book for a least 20 minutes day.  Please share what book you are reading with us.  You can upload a picture onto Teams or Twitter, draw a picture, write a book review, anything to keep us up to date with your reading!


Daily Meditation – Remember to give yourself time to relax and stop and listen to your body and mind. Listen to some relaxing music and give yourself 5 or 10 minutes of quiet time, it could be colouring or just thinking (no screen time!).  This website has good ideas: Click Here
Numeracy Ninjas – Complete 1 page of the numeracy ninja’s booklet each day.  The Files have been added to Teams if you need the next set of tasks.


Targeted Online Resources – Access the IDL website and complete tasks for around 15 minutes in both curricular areas – 15 minutes of Literacy and the same for Numeracy.


Online Active Learning – Education City and Sumdog are all set for free play in a wide range of curricular areas.  Additional tasks will be regularly set by your teachers.


Help around the Home Each day think about ways you can help your family out.  It could be something small like keeping your room tidy or a bigger project like helping to cook dinner. Discuss this with people at home.

Welcome back Primary 7!

Hello everyone and welcome to Term 4 of Primary 7!  It is certainly a unique situation we find ourselves in and we wanted to make sure you all know how proud we are of you in the way you are coping with this massive change to your learning!

We will continue to post daily activities on our P7 Lesson Teams page.  Every pupil has been given access to this via their GLOW mail.  Please access this for different learning experiences created by the teachers and class chat pages.

As well as daily lessons, all pupils have access to various websites which contain curriculum linked tasks.  Our main sources are:

Active Learn –  This contains many resources including our Science Bug tasks and our Class Novel.  This term we will be studying Midsummer’s Night Dream!

IDL –       We recommend that pupils access both the literacy and numeracy tasks here for around 15 minutes per day.

Sumdog –   Numeracy and Maths tasks

Education City –   A wide range of resources including Literacy, French and Technology.

The following file has a large amount of STEM tasks that can be completed at home using (mainly!) items found in the home:


Finally this file will give a wide range of additional online learning:

Helpful Websites


Primary 7 Snow Tasks 2nd March

Hello again everyone,

We hope you all continue to be safe and warm and are making the most of the snowy weather.  We have really been taken aback by the volume of snow we’ve had!  Here are a few more learning activities that can be completed today:

  • Spelling – test yourself or have someone at home test you on this weeks spelling words.  You can upload your words to and play games.
  • We have discovered that the snow in our garden is 17 Duplo bricks deep!  Can you use non-traditional measuring resources to check your garden?
  • You could check the depth of snow at a range of points around your garden.  What are it’s deepest/lowest points?  You could draw a graph or write a report on any patterns your find.  Could you think about why certain points are deeper than others?
  • A wide range of activities can be found of and
  • Continue to work on your World Book Day costume or designs.  We will aim to share these on another date soon!
  • There are a number of wonderful World Book Day games found here:  Why not try listening to one of the many free audio books?
  • We will be sharing stories from our Snow Day’s when we return to school so please be prepared to tell us all what you’ve been up to!  Bring photo’s, tasks or discussion prompts to show the class.

Most of all, continue to stay safe in the snow.  We hope to see you all soon!

Mr Aitken & Miss Clarke


More Snow Day Tasks!

Hello everyone

First of all “Happy World Book Day”! I hope you are all staying safe, keeping warm but also having some fun in the snow!

Below are some more activities that can be completed at home today:

  • Visit for some ways to celebrate at home! There are lots of fantastic activities and resources you can engage with.
  • Continue our French language learning from earlier this week by directing someone at home through a course you have designed. Here is a reminder of our basic commands:
  • Continuez tout droit: continue straight on
  • Tournez à droite: turn to the right
  • Tournez à gauche: turn to the left


  • Access maths and numeracy learning activities via Sumdog.
  • Continue to revise converting decimals, fractions and percentages. Test yourself with the examples below. Fractions, decimals and percentages
  • In preparation for our return to school we will be starting a task to write a newspaper article reporting on the impact of the Blitz. I have attached an example written previously for you to grasp an idea of basic layout and content. Complete some research on the key features of a newspaper report and get started on your project. WW2-newspaper
  • Engage with active spelling tasks with your words received on Monday. Why not take this learning outdoors and capture your work in a photograph?
  • Play a game of times table bingo with someone at home.
  • Continue with all the tasks on your home learning grid, due in this Friday (2ndMarch).


Most importantly stay safe and warm and enjoy your day. Keep me up to date with what you get up to here or via twitter @MrAitken1 and @SimpsonPrimary

P7A snow day activities

Hello everyone,

With the school being closed today it is a fantastic opportunity to prepare for World Book Day. Cosy up and read a book!

Below are some alternative activities that can be completed at home:

  • Prepare your hat or T-shirt design for World Book Day. Rather than a full costume, we have asked for creative designs based on your favourite book or character. You could chose to make a physical item or draw your ideas.
  • You could write a diary entry detailing your snow day activities.
  • As an extra challenge, you could document your day into a series of texts that are 140 characters and tweet them using the hash tag #SPSsnowday
  • Could you create fraction pictures in the snow? Maybe make a giant snow pizza and cut into quarters, eighths etc!
  • Create a contrasting snow image, for example, a summer beach scene in the snow! Use paint to colour the snow and create your image.
  • Watch your favourite movie and write a review.
  • Use the snowy scene as inspiration for a moody or atmospheric poem.
  • Access maths learning activities via Sumdog.
  • Safely host your own Winter Olympics! Try different physical activities in the snow and time yourself or measure distance travelled.
  • Build a snow man, snow animal or something else creative. Take a photograph and post it to our twitter pages.

Most importantly stay safe and warm and enjoy your day. Keep me up to date with what you get up to here or via twitter @MrAitken1 @SimpsonPrimary