Another day and still there’s snow!
Here are some more activities for all of Primary 3 to do today and over the weekend.
If you’ve measured the snow in your garden, have a go at measuring the temperature throughout the day. Can you find somewhere else in the world that has the same temperature? Do they usually have this temperature at this time of year? Can you find out where the coldest place on Earth is today?
This cold weather was called “The Beast from the East” because the cold weather came from the east. Can you draw a magically weather monster that can create snow, wind and ice!
Polar regions will be our next habitat for our topic (what else!). Can you make a list of what animals live in the polar regions? What animals live in the north, what animals live in the south, and what animals live in both? (Remember ocean dwelling animals too).
Remember to do your homework grid and all the activities included. Clearing the path of snow counts as ‘Helping at Home’!
Read your reading book out loud to an audience of toys. Perhaps you could make your own reading group and do different voices for each toy when its their turn to read.
Remember to keep your World Book Day hat or T-shirt as we’ll be celebrating this next week!