Online activities added.

Good morning P3C. I hope you are all well. I have added some food chain activities to Education City.Β  The times tables songs and games have been reset, just in case you missed them theΒ  first time round. There are new data handling and spelling challenges on Sumdog too.

Best wishes, Mrs Dunsmore.

3 thoughts on “Online activities added.”

  1. Hi,

    Should there be activities set for all of the P3 classes or is it just for P3C? Rose doesnt seem to have anything in her class work section in Education city.

  2. Hi Mrs McDermott, I hope you all had a lovely long weekend πŸ™‚ I have added some resources on Active Learn πŸ™‚

  3. Hi Mrs McDermott, I hope you all had a lovely long weekend πŸ™‚ I have added some resources on Active Learn πŸ™‚

    Miss McGregor.

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