P1 Drama – Arnie the Doughnut

Good Morning Primary 1! I hope you all had a lovely Easter Break.

I have a new story and drama activity for you to take part in this week.

Listen to the story  of Arnie the Doughnut using this link.


Don’t read on until you have watched the story or it might spoil the ending!!

Now try out some of these drama activities. Remember to use your voice, face and whole body. And have fun!

  • You are a customer walking to the bakery to buy a doughnut.
  • You are Arnie – show how you were feeling when you got bought by a customer.
  • Show how Arnie felt when he realised Mr Bing was going to eat him.
  • Pretend you are Mr Bing running after Arnie when he has thought of an idea to keep him.
  • Act out Arnie being Mr Bing’s ‘Doughnut Dog’
  • How do people in the street react when the see the ‘Doughnut Dog’? Act this out!

I would love to see some pictures of you taking part in this week’s drama. Tag me on twitter @cara_aikman. (Remember not to share your child’s name).



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