P1- Exploring the Easter Story

Hi Everyone! We have been enjoying seeing how some of you have been participating in the activities we have set. We look forward to hearing a little more about how you are doing.

Your Religious and Moral Education activity this week (or over the holidays)  is to look at the Easter story.

  1. Discuss with your talk partner (your adult) about what you think Easter is.
  2. Get an adult to open this link and read the story to you.                   P1 Easter Story
  3. Can you retell some of the story in your own words?
  4. Select an activity to complete.
  • Make a miniature garden showing the three crosses, the tomb and the stone that was rolled away. (You will need; a container, sticks, a stone, soil and some leaves or grass)

  • Create a book titled ‘The Easter Story’. Draw a picture/ write a sentence to show what happens first, then and at the end. Share your book with someone in your house.
  • Use your imagination to make a model last supper. Build it with lego or use an old box as the table. Make Jesus and the disciples from paper or play dough.

  • Look at some of the symbols associated with Easter,  such as Easter bonnets, bunnies, eggs, chicks, candles and crosses. See if you can find and count each one here –   Easter Symbols
  • Design and draw your own Easter bonnet which could have one or more of the Easter symbols on it and if you have the materials, you could make it to wear. The easiest way to make a hat is to staple, glue or stick a strip of paper to fit your head and then add your pictures to it. Everyone in your home could join in and you could have an Easter parade.

We can’t wait to see how creative you will be with your ideas. Good luck!


One thought on “P1- Exploring the Easter Story”

  1. These activities sound a great way to learn about the religious Easter story and some of the traditions of Easter. I can’t wait to see some of the finished products.

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