Good morning P3C. I hope you had a lovely weekend. It’s so sunny today!
Welcome to Week 2 and another set of fun activities! There are new reading and spelling challenges on Sumdog for you to dip in and out of over the next few weeks. Remember, just do what you can. If you are able to, please let me know how you are getting on via the blog, or ask an adult to Tweet it for you. Best wishes, Mrs Dunsmore.
Hi Miss McGregor, could you contact myself regarding login details that Match with each online learning activities as we cannot get logged, either wrong code and username . We have tried EducationCity and glow, also so it would be helpful if we can communicate effectively to support learning.
Hello! If you could contact the school office, I can pass on the details through them
After we have resolved this we can then discuss communication through Glow.