Welcome back!

Welcome back !!

We would like to extend a warm welcome to all our new children and families joining us at Simpson Nursery and look forward to getting to know you all better over the coming months .  It has also been great to welcome back our new Pre-school children, we can’t believe how much they have all grown in just a few months. Don’t forget to have a look at our blog each week which will be filled with lots of information on what the children have been showing interest in and learning.

This week in the nursery we have introduced our stage and rock band instruments which the children have had lots of fun experimenting with the different sounds. Think we have a few stars in the making.

In the garden the children have begun to pick the apples and plums from our trees which we will use in lots of different ways over the coming weeks. There have also been a few budding ‘David Attenburgh’s’ discovering frogs and ladybirds around the garden. We will extend the children’s interest in mini beast next week by introducing magnifying glasses and bug viewers to their play.

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