Cooking With Herbs!!

It’s been yet another busy week in Nursery!! We have some aspiring chefs in the house and playdough areas, making some imaginative dishes with real vegetables, herbs and playdough.  In the investigation station we have been further exploring different herbs, including basil, thyme, rosemary and coriander. The children have been chopping and snipping the various herbs and grinding them to release their different aromas.


Following on from posting our letters at the postbox (for donations to our Loose Parts play), the children have been very busy at the mark making table writing letters. Some have been posting these letters in the nursery postbox for the “postman” to collect and deliver.  Next week we will be discussing our address, including door number, street name and town. Does your child know where they live??

We have also made a start in re-vamping our Muddy kitchen area. We have moved our kitchen to a different location, giving us more space to install beds for planting. We would be grateful for any donations of soil, seeds and volunteers would be warmly welcomed. You never know, Mrs Sharkey might even make you a cup of tea.

Just a wee reminder that the nursery will be closed on Monday 7th May and Tuesday 8th May.

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