Primary 3 Snow Day Activities

As school is closed today, The P3 teachers have got together and came up with a few things for you to do!

Get Creative and make a model of the different layers of the rainforest. Remember those emergent trees!

Get cosy and read a book!

Draw a picture of your favourite part from the book and tell us why you picked it. You can share these in class tomorrow for World Book Day!

How can you use the snow to show fractions? Maybe draw shapes in the snow and split them in half or into quarters? Make a pile of snow balls and give a quarter to someone else and you get the rest!

Research and write some interesting facts about an animal/creature that lives in the rainforest or the ocean. You can use the attached template, or make your own. Animal Fact-file

Share any photos you might have of you doing work AND playing with us on twitter.




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