Hello everyone,
With the school being closed today it is a fantastic opportunity to cosy up with a good book in preparation for World Book Day.
Below are some additional activities that can be completed at home:
- Prepare your hat or T-shirt design for World Book Day. Rather than a full costume, we have asked for creative designs based on your favourite book or character. You could chose to make a physical item or draw your ideas.
- Building on our algebraic and equations learning yesterday can you create some challenge questions for your classmates to solve on our return to school?
- Access maths and numeracy learning activities via Sumdog.
- Complete some topic research to share on the Blitz and the experiences of Evacuees. This could be presented as a report or fact file.
- Engage with active spelling tasks with your words received on Monday. Why not take this learning outdoors and capture your work in a photograph?
- Play a game of times table bingo with someone at home.
- Safely host your own Winter Olympics! Try different physical activities in the snow and time yourself or measure distance travelled. Generate a report or take some photos.
- Build a snow figure, snow animal or something else creative. Take a photograph and post it to our twitter pages.
- Continue with all the tasks on your home learning grid, due in this Friday (2nd March).
Most importantly stay safe and warm and enjoy your day. Keep me up to date with what you get up to here or via twitter @Ms_ClarkeSPS @SimpsonPrimary