The children have been discovering lots of interesting things about rescue vehicles using ICT and have noticed differences in the colours of vehicles in different countries. Furthermore they have had lots of fun making their own rescue vehicles with the small construction.
The children had the opportunity to watch some ‘rescue’ clips and from this we had lots of discussions about ‘heroes’. This then led to children talking about costumes and masks worn by superheroes and they have enjoyed making their own masks, which we will continue next week.
Gemma’s words will continue from last week with the addition of disguise, please feel free to comment if your child is using the words , by using the post it notes in the cloakroom and giving to a staff member or popping in the suggestion box.
Please note the photographer will be visiting the nursery on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th February (am and pm sessions).
Our next ‘Stay Play and Learn’ session is on Monday 19th February and we look forward to seeing you then.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend.