What a fantastic effort everyone put in to their hopping, skipping and jumping today at our Jump Rope for Heart event!
Top skippers on the 30 second challenge included Bailey, Jay, John-Paul, Josh, Mrs Mooney, Jessica, Courtney, Lewis, Cameron, Ben, Jamie-Lee, Josh and Amy.
Well done to everyone for all your hard work, I know you got your hearts working harder today with all that exercise. The weather was very kind to us, with the first drops of rain waiting until we were ready to pack up the ropes!
Thank you to Primary 6 for all their help in organising the rota, writing the letters to give out, and supervising the different activity stations today.
The next job will be to collect in the sponsor forms and sponsor money! Please return your sponsor form and money raised as soon as you can (perhaps when you get your breath back?) and we’ll blog the total raised when we have it.
Mrs Hull