Primary 1/2

This week one of the things we have been learning is about symmetrical patterns.  We made our own patterns on butterflies and predicted what would happen when we folded them in half.  We also looked at symmetrical shapes and predicted from half a shape what it would be once it was completed. 

Challenge – At home look for symmetrical shapes and patterns and leave a message on the blog telling us what you found.  Use the address in your homework diary to post what you found.

Primary 3

Primary 3 have been learning about using adjectives in their writing to make it more interesting. See if you can improve these sentences by adding some interesting describing words.

1. The boy ran down the street.

2. I walked round the house.

3. I put on my jumper.

P7 – Green Group – Maths Homework

We are learning to find a fraction of an amount.

1. a) How many days are in June?

b) If it rained on 1 sixth of these days, how many would that be?

2. Find a quarter of the amounts below:

a) 24                   b) 40                        c) 80                     d) 8

3. Find a third of the amounts below:

a) 9                    b) 15                          c) 30

Record your answers in your jotter or post a comment on here.

Good luck!

Miss McLennan 🙂

P1 Reflective Learning

In Primary 1 we have been learning new sounds.

We have already learned…

‘P’ – is pink and we use our lips
‘A’ – is black and we use our tunnel
‘S’ – is light blue and is a quiet tongue sound
‘C’ – is yellow and is a throat sound
‘M’ – is red and we use our lips

See if YOU can remember all of the sounds and colours we learned this week.

Good luck.. We’ll be testing you!

Primary 1 & Miss McLaughlin

Meet the School Sunflower!

Today at Eco club Mrs Hull introduced Fergus, the new School Sunflower.  We are taking part in the Sunflower Challenge run by Rural connect and will be looking after Fergus and hoping he will grow taller than any other sunflower in a West Lothian School.  Today’s challenge was putting him in a bigger pot as he had outgrown the pot he was put in only 2 weeks ago!   He has been gently tethered to the side of the building.  Please wave to him as you go by in the morning and have a look at how tall he is – but please DON’T TOUCH as he is very fragile!

At 4pm today he measured 1 metre tall – can anyone estimate when he will reach the same height as Miss Speirs?

primary 4

Today we talked about all of the things we had learned this term and the things that we had enjoyed the most.  This term our favourite things have been:  the P4 Benchball Festival, tasting lots of different types of foods for our Food topic, using Sum Dog and maths games/challenges to help us learn different skills in maths, learning how to write different types of poems and creating art work in the style of different artists.   We also really enjoyed learning all about Easter with Mrs Hull.

We hope everybody has a lovely Easter holiday see you all soon.

Jordan and Primary 4

Our P7 Week

This week we were  rewriting nursery rhymes for Primary One  and here are some examples-

Hickory Dickory Dock,

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck one,

The mouse ran down!

Hickory Dickory Dock.

Hickory Dickory Dock,

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck two,

The mouse went boo!

Hickory Dickory Dock.

 We have made up a new class target and it is “Think before we do anything.” and we hope we follow it 🙂 !

The Big Pedal

Our school will be taking part in the 3 stages of the Big Pedal 2013. On the 28th Feb, 8th March and 20th March we will be counting the number of children, staff and parents who cycle or scoot to school.  Our results are logged with the national Big Pedal event and we will be given a place in the race! More news at assembly from the JRSOs.

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