The performance of PUSCPS P1 – P3 Christmas nativity, ‘Wriggly Navitiy’ will take place on two dates this year, Wednesday 18th December at 9.45am and Thursday 19th December at 2.00pm.
P1 will perform the Nativity, P2 and P3 will be supporting the cast or singing in the choir.
The capacity of our hall is limited and we expect a large turnout for this. Tickets for the performance will be available from the school office on a two tickets per child per performance basis. Once numbers are known, further tickets may be released.
The cost of a ticket is £1.50. This includes a hot drink and a mince pie. Tickets will be available to purchase from the school office from Monday 25th November. Please put your order in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name and class.