P6 Transition Challenge

Primary 6 were given the task of creating a presentation to give next year’s class an idea of what being a Primary 6 at PUSCPS is like. We decided to create a Power Point presentation and worked together to make slides about different aspects of Primary 6. Once complete, we combined the slides into one presentation and presented this to the current Primary 5 class. You can view our presentation here:

P6 Transition Presentation .


Celebration Assembly Term 4

On Friday we had our final celebration of the year.

Anna and Holly past pupils from PUSCPS, currently at Broxburn Academy, joined us to tell us about their achievement journey. It was fantastic to hear about all the opportunities that Broxburn Academy gives to children. We are very proud of all Anna and Holly’s achievements, thank you for joining us.

Congratulations to our Top Scorers!

STEM Superstars are those children who have made fantastic progress or achievements in science, technologies or maths.

Awesome Authors are those children who have made fantastic progress or achievements in writing.

Ross Logan our Active schools co-coordinator joined us to give out some medals. First of all to those children who attend our after school clubs, the coaches nominated them for an award.

Secondly he gave medals to our fantastic basketball team for the progress they have made this year.

Jack received Most Valuable Player because of his determination, positive attitude, willingness to work hard and because he has been a great team player. Lauren received Most Improved Player, for being to shoe great basketball skills and a positive attitude towards training. We also presented Mrs Hamilton with a gift for being such an inspiring coach.

IDL is a new literacy programme, some children have been using this session to support learning in literacy. Children who have reached milestones in this received certificates.

We recognised those children who took part in the West Lothian Triathlon.

We presented Eve with an award for her piece of writing which is now representing our cluster at the West Lothian Stellar Awards.

Mrs Montgomery received a West Lothian Leadership Award for completing her Early Years Officer course.

This week was the West Lothian Sumdog Competition. P3, P6 nd P5 ranked in the score board and some of our children ranked within the top 100 out of 2097 children!

Finally the house winner of the term was … Almond! Congratulations! We will organise a house treat for the last week of term.

P1-7 Annual Reports

Today we issued our children with their annual reports.

Inside your envelope please find:

  • Your child’s report (Please see information below on how to interpreate the report).
  •  Pupil report – your child’s reflection on their learning.
  • Primary 7’s contain their P7 Profile.
  • A parent/ carer feedback sheet, please take time to complete this with your child and return to school.

We hope you enjoy reading your report with your child and finding out about their progress.

Annual Summary Primary Reports Session 18 19

‘Parents and families must have access to information that allows them to form a clear understanding of how their child is progressing, and the information they need to help them plays a key role in their child’s education.’

National Improvement Framework for Scottish Education (2016)

Over the course of a school session, reporting to parents and families across West Lothian’s Primary Schools takes a variety of forms. This leaflet accompanies your child’s annual end of year summary report adapted over recent years following revised national guidance and feedback from West Lothian staff and families.

This leaflet outlines the components of the report and relevant information for parents.

The report consists of two pages with separate attendance information.

~ Page 1 ~

This part of the end of summary report is designed to report to parents how well your child is progressing in their learning in national terms using the levels and curricular descriptors of the Curriculum for Excellence.

Early Level:  Pupils work within this level in the Early Learning and Childcare setting and throughout Primary 1, or later for some.

First Level:  Pupils work within this level to the end of Primary 4, but earlier or later for some.

Second Level:  Pupils work within this level to the end of Primary 7, but earlier or later for some.

Third Level:  S1 to S3 but earlier for some.

The National Improvement Framework requires schools to report to parents at the end of each level – Early (P1), First (P4) and Second (P7) whether a child has achieved this level.

Progress in Learning

We have indicated your child’s progress by using the following professional judgements:

  • Achieving beyond National expectations
  • Consistently achieving National expectations
  • Achieving some aspects of National expectations
  • Progress supported through an individual plan

 Engagement in learning

The class teacher has also given an indication of your child’s engagement in their learning, as attitude and application are good indicators of continuing success.

Professional judgements in relation to engagement:

  • Consistently shows high level of engagement in learning
  • Engages in most learning activities
  • Inconsistent engagement in learning activities

Teacher comment

This is a personalised reflective comment which provides an opportunity to describe each child’s wider achievements, a child’s personal attributes or general progress in learning and engagement in school events.  This comment might also make reference where relevant to behaviour, home learning, aptitude, attendance and individual learner characteristics.

There are four main sections which make up the body of page two. These will summarise key strengths and learning progress along with focused next steps for your child across:

  1. Literacy and English,
  2. Numeracy and Mathematics
  3. Health and Wellbeing, and
  4. Highlights from Learning Across the Curriculum

In this summary report we ensure that positive comments are personal and individual about your child as a learner and their successes this year. Our communication in this summary report is intended to share with you and your child how much and how well they have progressed in their learning this session. We have aimed to provide clear, positive and constructive feedback about your child’s learning and progress and provide clear information about their next steps in learning.

School Attendance Summary

 If you have any queries regarding the information included in this summary please contact the school office. Your child’s attendance this session is given as an overall percentage and how many openings they have missed.

Learning conversations with pupils

West Lothian Council fully expects that class teachers will have dialogue with pupils about their learning on a regular basis. This could be through profiling systems, personal learning planning, learning conversations and/or learning journals.

Parent Evaluation of Reporting Format

 We hope that you have welcomed the ongoing developments with reporting this session in West Lothian.  It is really important that we gather the views and opinions of our parents to continue to improve our reporting further and ask that you complete any paper or on line survey link regarding this.

Further information and useful links.




Parental Leaflet 2018 2019 REPORTING

Sumdog Results so Far …

So far in the West Lothian Sumdog Competition:

Out of 68 Classes:

  • 47th – Primary 5
  • 64th – Primary 3

Out of 1607 students:

  • 27th – Kayden C in Primary 4

The competition runs until Thursday!

P1 – P7 Parent Ethos Questionnaire

Each session West Lothian issue a parent ethos survey for families to complete about your child’s school. The findings of this questionnaire, along with our school evaluations, help us to plan future  improvements.

Thank you to everyone who has already taken part in the questionnaire. We would value if you could take ten minutes to complete the survey using the link below.



Nursery Induction Meeting

It has been lovely meeting all our new nursery children and families on  our recent home visits.

Our Induction evening for parents and carers on Tuesday 18th June at 6pm, is an opportunity for you to find out more about the structure of the day,  how we learn at nursery and to visit our nursery. It will be held in the school gym hall.

Those families who are moving from am/pm sessions to full days, may also want to attend to find out more information.

Families who are starting with us after August are also welcome to attend. We will arrange a home visit and a play date for your child in the  new school session.

We look forward to meeting you then.


Resilience Film Screening

We would like to invite you to view a short film on Thursday 20th June at 6pm.  The film is about resilience in children, an issue that many schools across West Lothian have been focussing on and will continue to focus on in the coming sessions.  The film, which has already been shown to many of our professionals in education and health, aims to provide an understanding of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the impact that these can have on children and their education.

We will also screen a children’s film in the hall where children of primary school age will be supervised to allow adults to attend the resilience film screening in the P7 classroom.  Tea and coffee will also be available.

In order to help us to plan catering and supervision requirements, please contact our office and let them know you would like to attend.

We look forward to welcoming you then.

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