P6 Weekly Update

This week we continued to focus on different drawing techniques and how they can be used to create still-life images, using items from our classroom.

We investigated how different amounts of pressure on the pencil, can create different shades and effects on an object. We  looked into where the light was hitting the object and by doing this we were able to show where different types of shade could be seen.

Here are some of our still-life images using natural light from our outdoor area:

P5 Weekly Update


This week we have been doing some writing using our class laptops! We use Class Notebook on Teams as an online jotter. Class Notebook is good because you can use dictation (speak a story out loud and the computer will write it down) or immersive reader (which will read your work out loud so you can listen and check that your work makes sense). You can also add images or links to your story.

We are still reading Holes as our class novel, and now we have group reading books. These are Double Act, Follow That Spy!, The Return of the Hundred-Mile-Dog, and Fantastic Mr Fox.


This week we started our Money topic- some of it is a bit tricky but we’re working really hard! We have also introduced the ’55 Club’ scheme to help us with our multiplication and division skills.

Health and Wellbeing

We have been continuing with our work on internet safety and how to be responsible online using a series of videos called Band Runner. The videos are funny and teach you important lessons!


We have just started our new IDL topic: Our Planet. We came up with ideas about what we know, want to know, and how we would like to learn. We are beginning the topic with some work on endangered and extinct species.

Have a good weekend!

Miss Thomson and Primary 5

P5 Weekly Update

We spent some time this week creating posters and leaflets about our local area. We also did some free writing and came up with a whole mix of stories!
Our Maths focus this week was times tables and we did some activities to see how confident we are with different tables.
We learned a little bit about the famous graffiti artists Banksy and Keith Haring. After that, we made our own graffiti-style names to display on the wall.
We also did some team-building games outside and that was fun. We liked getting some fresh air!

P2/1 – Weekly Blog


To mark the end of their Circus topic, P2/1  performed their own Circus to the Primary 1 class on the last day of term. The boys and girls  worked hard practising their routines and deciding on the music they wanted to perform to. Well done P2/1,  your Circus was amazing!

Primary 2

This week in Primary 2 we have been continuing our topic on living things. We conducted some of our own research on the 6 different animal classification groups and had fun exploring their different characteristics.

We have also been practicing our number doubles with help from Jack Hartman  and his doubles song. Here is a picture of us in action.

P2/1 Weekly Blog

Primary 2/1 are now coming to the end of their Circus topic and this week have been busy practising for their own Circus performance. We set up our ticket office in the playground and sold tickets to the P1’s who will be the audience for our Circus next week.

In Numeracy, we have been learning about money, and our knowledge of adding coins of different amounts came in useful when selling our tickets.


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