Junior Leadership Teams

This school session every child from P1 to P7 has had the opportunity to sign up to a Junior Leadership Group. These groups will give all our children the opportunity to lead an aspect of our school improvement agenda whilst having their voice included in developments and decisions.

The groups will meet for the first time this Wednesday, at this meeting they will put an action plan together for the year ahead.

If you feel that you could contribute to supporting one of these groups please contact the school office. 

School Improvement Documents

Every year we publish a School Standards & Quality report which outlines the progress we have made over the last session and a School Improvement Plan which outlines the work we plan to carry out this session.  Both of these documents are available by clicking the links below.

Click the link here to download a copy of the School Standards & Quality Report (S&Q) for last session: 2018 S&Q Report Schools & ELC_PUSCPS

Click the  link here to download a copy of the current School Improvement Plan (SIP): PUSCPS_School_Imp_Plan_2018-19

Click the link to view a copy of the school inspection report from November 2017:  School Inspection Report

Click the link to view a copy of the school inspection report from November 2017:  Nursery Inspection Report

Parent Partners @ PUSCPS

Our parent partners group at PUSCPS is a group of parents who work on a variety of projects throughout the year to benefit the children and the school. All parents and carers of school and nursery children are welcome to join.

At the meetings we are able to share ideas, concerns and developments that affect all children of the school with the management team. Members of our parent partners group are also required be involved in the stages of the interview process for a new Headteacher.

We have developed many different projects within school such as the Developing Young Workforce Week. The aim of this week was to capture the unique and varied skills, interests, knowledge and experience that parents can offer and share with the children. We are always looking into ways to improve the communication between school and parents.

The fundraising side includes developing ideas for activities, organising and running these events with the help of the management team. The Christmas Fayre held every year is our biggest event and is very much part of an event for the wider communities.  All monies raised at these events goes back into the school funds, supporting the children for instance, by subsidising school trips, the P7 prom, providing subscriptions for programmes such as ‘Sumdog’ and in a variety of other ways.

Meetings are usually held once a term though there may be more frequent meetings coming up to a school event or if we are required to act upon a specific issue. The meetings are held in the school on a Wednesday evening at 6:30pm although we are keen to make times suitable for all. If you are unable to make the meetings but would like issues to be raised by Parents Partners please email puscps.pc@gmail.com or hand in a note addressed to Parent Partners to the school office.

If you do not wish to attend meetings but would like to help at any of the fundraising events this would be greatly appreciated. A list of jobs will be advertised coming up to each fundraising event.

Our first meeting this year will be held at school at 6:30pm on Wednesday the 26th of September.

The first fundraising event will be a Halloween party on Tuesday the 30th of October. Details will follow.

Maths Week Scotland Assembly

Today we had an assembly to share our learning during Maths Week Scotland.

Mr Sneddon joined us from Virtue Money to  share with us the importance of Maths and Numeracy in every day life and for our future career paths. Virtue Money donated a free piggy bank and key ring to all our children to remind us why it is important to safe our money. A big thank you to Mr Sneddon for supporting us with our Developing the Young Workforce learning.

Our classes shared with us their learning during Maths Week which was all connected to their Interdisciplinary context for learning.


Congratulations to our Sum dog Champions for their achievements in the Maths Week Scotland Competition.

Class winners:

  • P1: JJ
  • P2C: Jacob
  • P2S: Lewis
  • P3: Caitlin
  • P4: Kieron
  • P5: Jessica
  • P6: Amen
  • P7: Lucas

Congratulations to P7 who were the winning class, they came 377th out of 3556 classes across Scotland.

The following children relieved a certificate for completing all 1000 questions in the competition:

  • P6: Amen
  • P7: Lucas
  • P7: Ceira
  • P7: Jack

Amen came first in the school and 320th out of 78624 children across Scotland. Lucas came second school and 323rd out of 78624 children across Scotland.

Congratulations to our Living our Values this children this week.


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