Using IDL Literacy at Home

Some of our children have been using an online computer programme called IDL Literacy in school.

If your child has an IDL Literacy login this programme can be easily accessed from home.  It is recommended, where possible, that they use it for around a minimum of 1 hour per week or 10-20 minutes per day.

Please find attached information about  IDL Literacy and how your child can access their account from home, on a variety of devices. Parents’ Guide to IDL for Blog   Ways to Access IDL 2

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or if your child needs a reminder of their login details.

Primary 7 – Video Call

Good afternoon Primary 7.  Please join me, if you can, for a video call this  Friday 12th June at 10 am in the class Teams video call channel.   I am looking forward to chatting with all of you, who can join me tomorrow.

Mrs Dugan

IDL Literacy



If your child has an IDL Literacy login this is a great way for them to continue to  develop their literacy skills in a multi-sensory self-led way from home.   It is recommended that they use it for a minumum of 1 hour per week or 10-20 minutes per day.

Please find attached a reminder about how your child can access their IDL Literacy account from home, on a variety of devices.Ways to Access IDL 2

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.


Speech and Language Parent/Carer Support

Please find information on the attached flyer about some new helpful resources and videos that can be found on the NHS Lothian Children and Young People’s Speech and Language Therapy Service Facebook page.
There is also a free new SpeechLink Parent Portal.  This site can be found at  It is being refreshed weekly with new content from speech and language therapists.




IDL Literacy

Some of our children are using an online computer programme called IDL Literacy in school.  They are  also able to access this at home either on a computer, laptop, iPad or Android Device.  If your child has access to this programme a copy of their username and password can be found in their school diary.

Please find attached a helpful Parent/Carer Guide on how to use IDL Literacy at home.  Parents Guide to IDL for Blog   Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Dugan if you have any questions.

World Book Day: Supertato

In our workshop, we looked at the book ‘Supertato’ by Sue Hendra & Paul Linnet.  We talked about the main character and looked at a short video about how the authors created the caped potato superhero!

We then discussed the next book, ‘Supertato Veggies Assemble’.  In this book, the vegetables decide to work together as a team of ‘Super Veggies’!  All of the children then created their own super vegetable character.


More Snow Day Activities

Hi, l hope you are all taking care and enjoying your second snow day. Here are a few activities and web sites to keep some of you busy and learning at home.

If you are allowed you could go outdoors, or if you prefer to stay indoors and cosy you could bring a tray/basin of snow indoors. Use the snow like a whiteboard and try to sound out and write words, form letters or numbers (using a stick/pencil or even paint) in the snow. Or you could try to see if you can remember how to spell some of your tricky words. Remember to use any of the stories/rhymes/mnemonics you made up to help you recall the patterns.

You could also try to make more rhymes/mnemonics to help you with other words you find tricky to spell e.g said – Snowy Afternoon In December (even though it is March!!) . We can add these to your tricky word keyrings when we are back at school. Remember to draw a picture to go with your mnemonic.

Ask someone at home to challenge you to a game of ‘Round the World’ (like we do in some of our group times). See who can recall the sound to match the colour in the vowel house e.g. yellow – oa, ow, o_e. Extra challenge see if you can think of a word with the sound colour.

You could use old books or magazines to cut out and build words. Try to make a sounds/tricky words poster.

Play snowman bingo – draw an outline of a snowman for each player. Then fill it with 4-8 of your target sounds/words. Make cards with the sounds/words on them. Take turns to turn them over or read them out. Cover the word using a counter, scrap paper, cotton wool snowballs (if you have any at home). First one to cover all of their words is the winner 😀.

If you have paper/reusable plastic cups write or stick your target letter/words onto them. Set them out like bowling pins. Ask someone to say the word/sound/number then see if you can use a cotton wool snow ball or scrunched up piece of scrap paper to hit the correct cup.

Spotty Snowman counting – draw the outline of two snowmen .  You will need 5,10 or more counters, cut out bits of paper or cotton wool balls for each snowman. You can either start with them already on the snowman or put them on as you roll the dice. Use one or two dice. Roll and add or take away the number of items to or from your snowman.

Practice your typing skills for using Clicker on Dance Mat typing.

Read lots of books or if you prefer listen to online audio books.

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