Primary 2/1

Primary 2/1 have been busy this week with writing!

During reading sessions, we have been exploring ‘The Squirrels who Squabbled’ by Rachel Bright. Since we are learning about descriptive writing, we linked this to the story and created descriptions of Cyril the Squirrel. We have been working very hard on using the Description Bubble to structure our writing.

We also completed different play-based tasks linked to the story.

Check in with us again soon to see what else we have been learning!

Primary 2/1 & Miss M 🙂


Primary 2/1

Hello Parents/Carers!

On Friday, Primary 2/1 brought home their ‘Wonderful Week of Learning’ jotters. These jotters are used each term to show what learning looks like across a week (or in this case, a half-week!).

We would love it if you could take some time to look at your child’s learning and talk to them about it. I am also happy if you would like to leave comments/sticky notes on certain pieces of work. Primary 2/1 have been working so hard and it would be lovely to see what you think!

‘Wonderful Week of Learning’ jotters should be returned to school at some point next week.

Many thanks,
Miss McLaughlin 🙂

Primary 2/1

Hello Parents/Carers!

Primary 2/1 will soon receive home learning bags containing letter sounds and a common word wall. Once Seesaw is up and running for all children, phonics home learning will be posted regularly.

The Sway below gives you information about phonics home learning and will go over some of the techniques that we use in school. If you have any questions or think of other ways that we can support you with learning at home, please let us know.

Miss McLaughlin 🙂

Primary 2/1

This week we continued our ‘Building Resilience’ work and discussions led us to talk about mistakes.

We watched the story ‘Beautiful Oops’ and learned about how mistakes can be turned into something special, maybe even better than what we had in mind! We then created our own ‘Oops’ and gave it to a partner. They then had to use our ‘Oops’ to create their own pictures. Have a look at some of the fantastic work below.

If you would like to listen to the story, you can use the link below:

Check in with us again soon to see what else we have been learning!
Primary 2/1 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 2&1

Primary 2&1 have been working on their class charter.

We learned a little about the rights that children have and listened to the story ‘Let’s Explore our Rights’.

We then linked these to our school values (Nurturing, Ambitious, Respectful) and made ‘promises’ that the adults/children could do to make sure our classroom is happy and safe. #responsiblecitizens

Have a look at our charter below:

Check in with us again soon to see what we have been up to!
Primary 2/1 & Miss M 🙂


Primary 3/2

On Thursday, it was World Daily Mile day!

Primary 3/2 got their running/walking/skipping shoes on and completed 11 laps of the playground! #effectivecontributors

Primary 3/2

For the past few weeks, Primary 3/2 have been getting green-fingered! We have been planting seeds in class with Sarah-Jane, including chillis, cucumbers and tomatoes! We also tidied up the empty vegetable beds and planted some broccoli in them. We have to make sure that we look after them and can’t wait to see what’s ready come summertime! #responsiblecitizens

Primary 3/2 & Miss M 🙂



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