All posts by Miss Glencorse

Happy Holidays Primary 4

Happy holidays Primary 4. We have come to the end of another school year and it’s been a fantastic year! I have really, really enjoyed being your teacher and spending time with you this year. You have all been superstars! I wish you a fun and safe summer and I can’t wait to see you all in August!

No work on the blog today. Just a reminder that we have our live virtual leavers assembly at 9:30am and our last check out at 11am. Please join us.

Primary 4 Learning (24.6.20)

Good morning Primary 4. Welcome to Wednesday and this beautiful sunny morning. We are rapidly approaching the end of term on Friday so not much more learning left on the computer for this year! Here are today’s challenges. I hope you enjoy them. Have a great day! Enjoy the sunshine. Speak to you at check in.

2 Prayers

3 Check In

4 Comprehension Instructions

4 Comprehension

5 Reading


8 End of School Year

9 My School Year

10 Check Out

Primary 4 Learning (22.6.20)

Good morning Primary 4. I hope you all had a fantastic weekend, even if it was a bit rainy! I can hardly believe that this is the last week of term! Let’s have the best week possible! Here is today’s learning. I hope you enjoy it. Have a great day! Speak to you at check in.

2 Prayers

3 Check In

4 Spelling Week 10

5 Reading

6 11am – French with Mrs Doolan

7 Maths – Blue and Red Group (sheet 8.1 – 2 pages)

7 Maths – Yellow Group (sheet 3.4)

8 Thank you God

9 PE Monopoly


12 Check Out

Primary 4 Learning (18.6.20)

Good morning Primary 4. I hope you are all safe and well this morning. It’s Thursday already! Here is today’s learning. i hope you enjoy the challenges. Have a great day! See you at check in.

1 Timetable outline wk beg 15.6.20

2 Prayers

3 Check In

4 Writing – My Adventure

5 11am – RE with MS GAVIN



9 Check Out

Maths Investigation – Yellow Group

Maths Investigations – Red and Blue

Primary 4 Learning (17.6.20)

Good morning Primary 4. I hope you are safe and well this morning. Welcome to Wednesday and the third day of our outdoor learning week. Here is today’s learning. I hope you enjoy it. Have a great day! Speak to you at check in.

1 Timetable outline wk beg 15.6.20

2 Prayers

3 Check In

3 Comprehension – Rosa Parks

4 Comprehension Instructions

5 Reading


9 Researching Your Favourite Sports Person

10 Check Out

Primary 4 Learning (16.6.20)

Good morning Primary 4. Welcome to the second day of our outdoor learning week. Here is today’s learning for today. Make sure you take some time to check out our activities on our outdoor learning channel on Teams. Have a great day. Speak to you at check in.

1 Timetable outline wk beg 15.6.20

2 Prayers

3 Check In


6 Maths – Blue and Red Groups (sheet 5.1=2pages)

6 Maths – Yellow Group (sheet 1.9)

7 Reading

9 Corpus Christi Prayer Mat

9 Corpus Christi Prayer

10 Researching Your Favourite Sports Person

11 Check Out

Primary 4 Learning (15.6.20)

Good morning Primary 4. Welcome to Monday. I hope you all had a lovely Gala weekend. I’m looking forwar to spending another week with you all. Here is today’s learning. I hope you enjoy. Have a great day. Speak to you at check in.

1 Timetable outline wk beg 15.6.20

2 Prayers

3 Check In

4 Spelling Week 9

5 Reading

6 CfE-Bk-1a-Worksheets (Sheet 1.7)

6 Maths – Blue and Red Groups (sheet 4.2)

7 Corpus Christi Questions

7 Corpus Christi

10 PE Monopoly


12 Check Out