Category Archives: Primary 7

P7/6 BIG TALK task!

Today the children were given their second “Big Talk” challenge for next Thursday (15th September). The details are below (just in case anyone loses the note I gave them!) Many thanks for your continuing support. 🙂

Primary 7/6 Big Talk Task for Thursday 15th September 2016:

Online Blogs – please discuss with your parent/carer all of the features of an online blog. Do they use paragraphs? Do they use slang or unusual words? What else do you notice about a blog?

Be ready to talk about this next week!


Mr Richards, Thursday 8th September 2016.

P7/6 latest news!

Hello everyone – here is the latest news from P7/6! This week we have:

  • Written formal letters asking for information or advice and to give ideas.
  • Completed cursive handwriting challenge cards.
  • Looked more at numicon and how to use them correctly.
  • Had a look through and experimented with our maths resources.
  • Played maths games on the DS’s and were given a new login so we can play maths games at school/home.
  • We talked about our feelings and emotions when certain things happen to us.
  • We chose our reading books from the school library as well.

A big thank you to Neve, Connor and Marcus for helping with the blog this week. Have a nice weekend.



Guided Reading

What is Guided Reading?

Within Murrayfield Primary School guided reading sessions will take place 3 – 4 times a week in each class.

  • Children will be divided into ability groups, according to their reading comprehension age.
  • Comprehension means understanding what has been read and being able to talk or write about it._

3 – 4 sessions per week

  • Before and During reading

Working in pairs to discuss text and make predictions. Reading for fluency.

  • After reading

Teacher works with the group. Focus on comprehension skills, writer’s craft, grammar punctuation. Teaching reading skills and listening to reading and discussing fluency.

  • Follow-up

Pupils  work on follow-up reading/writing activities, relating to the text.Opportunities for independent/paired/group work and collaborative work.

  • Vocabulary work

Investigating new/ambitious vocabulary. Finding definitions and using vocabulary within a context.

P7/6 first week back!

Hi everybody and welcome to our first blog of the new school year!

We have had a busy first week and have settled into our new class really well. This week we have:

  • Learned about square roots
  • Handwriting practice
  • Mental maths and some tricky subtraction sums
  • Mnemonics (using our names!)
  • Spelling Test
  • Developed our class charter (Pirate theme!)
  • Mile walk
  • P7’s spent the week helping their buddies
  • Money quiz

A big thank you to Alyssa, Aarin and Weston for completing the blog this week! Have a nice weekend and see you again next week!!

P7 Leavers Assembly Powerpoints, Miss

As promised at the P7 Leavers Assembly, here are the Powerpoints you were shown and Miss Jones’ video.  (So sorry Miss Jones – you had a temporary loss of voice.)

We hope you have a wonderful Summer and wish all our P7s the very best of luck at Bathgate and St Kents Academies.

P7 Leavers powerpoint 2016 p4-6Photo Album   P2 10-11  Photo Album P7 Nursery  Primary 1 slideshow  P3 assembly part 1   P3 assembly part 1  Primary 3 – part 2

Sports Day Results

Not put off by less than fantastic weather, Murrayfield Primary School Sports Day 2016 went ahead. Pupils from each class took part in a wide range of athletic challenges to earn points for their house, Bruce, Douglas, Stewart or Wallace.

After a titanic struggle the results are as follows:

1st Bruce – 1740 points

2nd Douglas – 1710 points

3rd Wallace – 1660 points

4th Stewart – 1640 points

Well done to everyone who took part and a big congratulations to everyone in Bruce for their winning score.

And finally a massive thanks to all the parents and carers who turned up on the day to support the event.

P7 Transition to St. Kentigern’s Academy

Dear Parent/ Carer,

Just a reminder that P7 children who will be attending St. Kentigern’s Academy in August, have their transition days this week. These pupils will be spending Wednesday 15th , Thursday 16th and Friday 17th at St. Kentigern’s Academy with the rest on their S1 peers and will get to experience some aspects of an S1 timetable.  We ask that all our pupils wear their school uniform and come to Murrayfield in the morning each day as usual.  The pupils will be walked down to St. Kentigern’s Academy in the morning and will be collected again by our staff and brought back to Murrayfield to be released from here.  If your child pays for their school meals please ensure that they have money with them in order to buy their lunches.


Mrs Waugh

P6 and P7 NSPCC Assembly and Workshops

Dear Parent/ Carer,

ChildLine Schools Service will be holding an assembly and follow up workshops on Tuesday 14th June for all P6 and P7 pupils, with a specific focus on ‘Keeping Safe.’  Parents/ Carers have the choice whether they would like their child to attend these sessions or not and can contact the office or complete the tear off slip attached to the letter if they do not wish for their child to take part. (P7 Bathgate Academy Transition pupils will bring their letters home on Monday)

I have attached links to a Parent Question and Answer document and also a copy of the letter sent home to provide you with more details regarding this service and the content of the assembly and workshops.

Please do not hesitate to contact the office for more details or if you have any additional questions.

16.06.08 NSPCC Permission Letter P6-P7

NSPCC Questions & Answers for Parents and Carers


You can also visit  for more information.


Mrs Waugh