Category Archives: Information for Parents

A Guide to Social Networks: Advice for Parents

O2 and the NSPCC have joined forces on a mission to help all children and their families in the UK stay safe online. They recently launched a website which gives detailed advice and reviews of the different online social networks which young people use. It covers over 50 different apps including popular apps like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat to lesser known apps such as Kik, Roblox and It reviews the levels of risk associated with each app and also includes the views of different young people about each app and how safe they feel using it.

Forget The Beast from the East. Ice Art from Harbin Anyone?


Have a go at making an igloo? With help from adults you can make snow bricks and a great den. How will you decorate the interior?

The Scandinavians have long dark winters but try to create warmth with candles, blankets etc What is Danish hygge?

Check out images of Harbin in China and their amazing snow and ice sculpture event for 3-D ideas.

Go to new places to enjoy the snow and the views. Take some pictures of wintry trees and then use these as an art inspiration. Victoria Crowe is an artist who has done just that. Google her.

What can you make with icicles? What can you make with powdery snow or another kind of snow.

Il neige. It is snowing in French. How many other languages can you say that in? The winner wins an ice-cream. Try making a fun-flavoured ice-cream outside!

If you can get on skis and sledges and swish through The White Stuff!


Snow Day Suggestions P5

*Esta nevando! – It’s snowing!

Continue to practise the Spanish we have been learning in class.


Hola – hello

Buenos dias – good day

Buenas tardes – good afternoon

Buenas noches – good evening

Que tal? – How are you?

Bien / muy bien – good/very good

Fenominal! – Great!

Asi asi – so-so

Mal – bad

fatal – very bad

Hecha Polvo – I have turned to dust!

Go online and find one of the many ABECEDARIO songs/rhymes to help you practise your Spanish alphabet – try spelling out your name or another family member’s.


  • Continue to practise your times tables – challenge yourself to try tables you’re not confident with yet. Get someone to time you and see if you can improve your speed.
  • Take some photos of what you get up to in the snow – write a diary bout your activities or make a video.
  • Think about the debating skills we have used in class and write a list of ‘pros’ and ‘cons’  for the following – ‘Snow days – good or bad?’
  • Write a list of as many snowy/wintery words as you can and practise spelling them using some of the games we do in class, e.g. Kim’s Game, dictionary Race, Hangman



P2 Winter Ready Activities

Good Morning Primary 2

I hope you are all having lots of fun in the snow with your friends and family.  Here are some activities for you to try today.


  • Write a story about your adventures in the snow. Illustrate your story with some pictures, or take some photos.
  • Can you invent a fantastic new machine to clear all the snow away now? What does it look like? How does it work? What special features does it have? Draw a detailed picture and label it neatly and accurately.
  • Read your favourite story. Draw and describe the main character, or even make a puppet of the character using an old sock, or a wooden spoon or a .  .  .
  • Why not visit the World Book Day website and watch the Biggest Book Show On Earth (Illustrator Extravaganza)

  • Or perhaps you would enjoy a Reading Challenge?

Share-a-Story-Reach-for-the-Stars-Reading-Challenge-1 (1)


Maths and Numeracy

  • Play a number game such as Guess My Number e.g. my number is an odd number, it is a teen number, it is more than/less than etc.
  • Go on a 2D and 3D shape hunt around the house and see how many of each shape you can find. Can you make some 3D shapes from snow?
  • Play a game like Snakes & Ladders, Dominoes or Ludo
  • Log in to Sumdog and take part in our Primary 2 Snow Day Competition



This week we started to look at life in Roman times.

Use your research skills to find out more about Roman homes. What materials were used to build houses? How were the walls and floors decorated? Were the homes heated?

Next week we will be investigating the clothes they wore and the food they ate. Perhaps you can find something out and be ready to share it with the class.

Primary 4 Winter Ready Activities

Primary 4 Winter Ready Activities


  • You wake up to find the snowman you built last night has come to life! Write a story about what happens next!
  • Practise writing this week’s spelling words in the snow!
  • Write a personal diary of your adventures during the snowy days.


  • Practise writing your times tables in the snow.
  • Draw a wintery picture and hide your times tables in it.
  • Design a board game using times tables or division.
  • By using recipes to make a cake or meals, follow instructions regarding weighing and measuring of ingredients. Take a photo of your dish and write a paragraph about how you made it.
  • Count and record how many snowballs you can make in a minute. Can you beat your score?

Social Studies

  • Choose a Scandinavian country, research and create a fact file. Compare their weather to ours here in Scotland. For example how do they cope in wintry weather? Does their daily life change in the winter?


  • Make a ‘Wintery Scene’ picture.
  • Design an outfit that will keep you warm in the winter weather. Add explanations of what it is made of and the special features it has to enable you to keep warm.
  • Design a fancy pair of winter wellies.


  • Build something in the snow that you can sit on or hide inside such as a seat or an igloo. Take a picture of your creation!


  • Stay fit by playing in the snow!


Take pictures of any fun activities you do and remember to share these when you come back to school! Have fun!


Miss Clark

Snow Day suggestions P7

Primary 7

Below you will find a list of suggested activities should there be an unplanned school closure.


Revise your spelling words using any of the strategies we have discussed.

Work on set reading where possible. Alternatively write a review of a book of your choice. Design a front cover for the book. Map the journey of the main character.

Write an imaginative story entitled ‘Crack in the ice!’ – remember to use VCOP.

Write a winter poem using imagery, similes and metaphors.


Practise times tables.  Time yourself! See how quickly you can write out a times table then try and beat your record.

Continue to develop your skills in measuring and weighing by following a recipe. Take pictures to share your work with the class on return to school.

Weigh and measure items from around the home and create a table to record your results.

Carry out a survey of your choice for example favourite sandwich filling and display your results in a bar chart or pie chart.


Other areas

Research weather conditions and how icicles and snowflakes are formed.

Record daily temperatures in a table then display results in a graph.

Choose a Scandinavian country, research and create a fact file. Compare their weather to ours here in Scotland. For example how do they cope in wintry weather? Does their daily life change in the winter?

Design and make a winter decoration. Write down instructions detailing how your decoration is made – photographs or labelled diagrams would be useful.

Make a ‘Wintry Scene’ collage.