Snow Day suggestions P7

Primary 7

Below you will find a list of suggested activities should there be an unplanned school closure.


Revise your spelling words using any of the strategies we have discussed.

Work on set reading where possible. Alternatively write a review of a book of your choice. Design a front cover for the book. Map the journey of the main character.

Write an imaginative story entitled ‘Crack in the ice!’ – remember to use VCOP.

Write a winter poem using imagery, similes and metaphors.


Practise times tables.  Time yourself! See how quickly you can write out a times table then try and beat your record.

Continue to develop your skills in measuring and weighing by following a recipe. Take pictures to share your work with the class on return to school.

Weigh and measure items from around the home and create a table to record your results.

Carry out a survey of your choice for example favourite sandwich filling and display your results in a bar chart or pie chart.


Other areas

Research weather conditions and how icicles and snowflakes are formed.

Record daily temperatures in a table then display results in a graph.

Choose a Scandinavian country, research and create a fact file. Compare their weather to ours here in Scotland. For example how do they cope in wintry weather? Does their daily life change in the winter?

Design and make a winter decoration. Write down instructions detailing how your decoration is made – photographs or labelled diagrams would be useful.

Make a ‘Wintry Scene’ collage.

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