2 thoughts on “Welcome back P2/1!”

  1. Welcome back Miss McDermott, hope you had a lovely relaxing Easter break. Isla is missing you lots and it’s great that you (and Tufty & Cleo) are doing these stories, thank you x

  2. Lovely to hear from you Isla. I hope that you had a nice Easter too. It is sad that we are not back in our class at school but I am delighted to know that you are enjoying the stories from home. Today I have been helping in a school in Bathgate so I was reading a story to some children there – but they were all boys! Imagine that a class of just boys!
    Hopefully you are getting outside to play too. Tufty and Cleo are enjoying snoozing in the sun when they aren’t helping me out. Keep watching in case they pop up in any more videos.
    Miss McD 😺

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