
Friday 1st May 2020

Good Morning Primary 1!

I can’t believe it is May already. It looks like we are in for another lovely weekend with some sunshine. I hope that you have all worked hard this week and please keep sending your photos- it makes all the teachers smile.

Miss Jamieson has written lots of very useful information in the post below so please have a look.

I am going to relax this weekend with my family and maybe play some board games. Our favourite is Ludo, do you have a favourite? We will also be busy looking after our new kitten called Ace. He arrived just before lock down and has been taking time to settle in and getting to know his family and furry friends. He is very lively and active and we are having lots of fun with him (maybe not during the night).

Have a lovely holiday weekend and we will be back on Wednesday.

Mrs Menmuir 


Hello everyone.

Thank you for all the lovely messages and pictures and  you have been sending  to share your learning with us.

Did you know that today is Superhero day?

You don’t have to wear a cloak or have magical powers to be a Superhero.  Often it can be little things that you do for people that can make a big difference. At the moment there are lots of superheroes helping to keep us safe in lots of different ways.

Have you heard of Captain Tom Moore? He will be 100 this week and has raised millions of pounds for the NHS. He is a Superhero!

You can find out more about him on BBC Newsround.

At the moment you and your parents are all Superheroes. Everyone is doing their best to manage learning and working at home. It is not easy!! Can you celebrate Superhero day by trying to find a way that you could help someone at home. Let us know if you find a way to be a Superhero today.

You can find some more fun Superhero ideas if you follow this link.


Keep smiling and having fun.

Mrs Mills




Good Morning Everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and managed to get outside to enjoy our lovely weather.


Mrs Boyle and I really enjoyed hearing from lots of you last week. Thank you for all the e-mails and photographs of your learning.  Remember our weekly learning grid is just a guide. Do what you can.  Keep your learning fun and keep sharing it with us.

On Saturday I went for a lovely walk along the canal. I saw a duck with 11 ducklings. Can you imagine having to look after 11 babies! What have you seen when you have been outside?

One of the things I have enjoyed most over the last few weeks is having more time to read books. I know some of you have said that you are doing lots of reading too. Have you used the Oxford Owl website yet? You can find lots of great books to read here. I have attached a link to the website and an instruction sheet with a class login if you want to have a look.  Let us know how you get on.

Oxford Owl Ebooks access 2b

Have a lovely day and have fun learning.

Mrs Mills