Tag Archives: 3a Wed 6.5.20

3a Wednesday 6.5.20

Good morning everybody. I hope you all enjoyed your holiday weekend. Since it’s such a short working week, our home learning grid will focus on literacy and numeracy.

P3 PDF Week 5 plan (Wed 06.05)

Our favourite poem to share today is ” The King’s Breakfast” by A.A. Milne. See if you can find it online. Do you know which famous bear was created by A.A. Milne?

Mrs Bell and myself want to support everybody with their learning and it really helps if you can email either of us at least once a week. Please let us know how you are getting on with Sumdog, Active Maths and your learning grids. It’s also great to hear about the other learning you’re doing – gardening, baking, nature watching.  Please keep in touch.

Just for fun – which dog do you think is better at waiting? One of them learned to wait at my stable when I had horses for up to an hour and wouldn’t move until called. The other one has some work to do…

Ms Occardi