Good Morning 3A!
I hope you had a good weekend
Well done to those who were featured in Friday’s Celebrating Success Sway. Looking forward to seeing more of your work this week and Ms Occardi and I will choose more Awesome Achievers.
The Week 10 grid and resources are ready for you on the LPS website. I’ve also set new games and challenges on Heinemann Active and Sumdog. You might find extra Sumdog coins when you next log in. If you placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the P3 challenges from the past two weeks I’ve sent a coin reward!
Today is World Ocean Day. This links up well with our P3 Oceans topic. You might want to have a look at this website and watch/try some activities.
I also wanted to share this competition about the Marches. Unfortunately Marches day is not going ahead this year but there are still some fun events happening. You might want to take part in the ‘Design your own Bunting’ competition. It closes on Friday so you’ll need to be quick!
Mrs Bell