Music Time with Mrs McWhirter

Good morning Primary 3!  I hope you are ready to make some music?

Maybe like me you are spending a lot of time in your garden when the weather is warm? Or maybe you have been enjoying a walk outdoors? Wherever you are there are so many sounds around and we are going to explore and collect some sounds today!

If you click on this link you should find a clip called Sonic Explorer and today it is all about the garden and the outdoors. While you are watching and listening, think about what instruments would make those sounds. Maybe after watching you could be a sonic explorer in your own garden or on your next walk and collect your own sounds? Or you could use your music memory to remember the sounds of the park or an outdoor space.

I would love to hear your sound collection, it could just be like a list like this

trees rustling, birds tweeting, ball bouncing, washing flapping………and so on.

You could turn it into a Sound Poem and write it out in your best handwriting then draw pictures or shapes to illustrate it. Or if you prefer you could take photos of your sound to share. I look forward to hearing about some interesting sounds!Happy listening!

Please click here for Sonic Explorer!


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