HAPPY FRIDAY, 24th April 2020

Good Morning everyone,

I can’t believe it is Friday already! Thank you so much for your emails, photos and comments. I have been missing you all so have really enjoyed seeing all the different activities you have been getting up to, they put a big smile on my face. It looks like everyone has been working very hard and making wonderful memories at home.

Remember that any of the activities that we suggest, do not need to be printed, they are just ideas and can be written in your jotter or even outside. Make learning as fun and active as you can.

Please keep sending me pictures of what you have been up to or just a message to say hello.

We are all proud of all the work you have been doing.

I hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoy the beautiful weather! My boys and I are going to have a picnic dinner tonight and have a sack race.

Keep safe and looking forward to hearing from you next week.

Mrs Chisholm 🌈

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