I hope you have had a nice few days and have managed to get out and enjoy some of the lovely weather.
Have you ever heard that music has power?
Music is not only great to listen to but it can help in many ways. Music is great to dance to but also to help us relax. There are many different genres of music, that means different styles.
Do you know any different types of music? Have a listen to this powerpoint. Which ones did you like the sound of?
A lot of research has been done and doctors believe music can actually help with our memory. Certain songs remind us of different times in our lives. Music can even help plants grow!
Do you have a favourite song?
Today ask the members of your family what their 3 favourite songs are. With the help of a grown up look up the songs and listen to to them. You could even make a family favourite playlist and have a dance party. Which ones do you like best?
I hope you have a lovely day.
Your Primary one teachers.