Good morning Primary 1, 21st May 2020

Good morning Primary one. I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday and managed to enjoy some of the lovely weather we had. I spent the day in the garden looking for mini beasts and my boys and I had a teddy bears picnic.


You all know that moving about and keeping active is good for your body, whether it is running, jumping, playing football or any other exercise. But do you know what parts of your body you are using when you move and do these activities?

Under our skin we have a skeleton and we have muscles. We have so many muscles that all help our bodies do so many different things.  Here is a little video to explain how they work.

What muscles do you know? With a grown up, have a chat about the muscles we have in our body and what ones you think you use when you do different sports.

Even superheroes need to use their muscles to stay strong, so here are a couple of superhero exercise activities to do to keep you active and build up the strength in your muscles.


This superhero exercise sheet talks about action verbs. A verb is a  doing words, an action word like jump or walk. Some of them are tricky but can you talk to a grown up and think about which word in each activity you think is the action?


I tried a few of the actions. Can you guess which ones?


Why don’t you try some superhero yoga and see what muscles you use during it.


We have all been so impressed at the work you have been doing at home. We know how strange this situation is and want you to know how much we miss seeing you all. All the teachers want you to know that we think you are all stars!

Have a lovely day Primary one and remember to stay safe and keep in touch.

Your Primary one teachers Cute Clipart Rainbow Clouds

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