Good Morning P3B

Good morning everyone!
I hope you had a lovely Easter break. I have been missing you all and thinking about you all the time.

What have you been doing over the last two weeks? The weather has been beautiful! I have been very busy painting my fence, playing in the garden and going on lots of walks near my house.

I have seen many signs that spring is here when I have been out, including this lamb that had just been born!

I went back to visit them, they are now 4 weeks old! They have grown so much!

I love spring it is my favourite season. I would love to hear about signs of spring you have seen in your garden or when you have been out a walk, you could even send me some photos!

Spring writing

On a Wednesday we usually do writing in P3B. I have missed reading your writing and I know many of you really enjoy it! You could do some spring free writing and send me your stories. Below I have attached some spring pictures to give you ideas and get you started.

Spring picture prompts

Have a great day!

Miss Ross


2 thoughts on “Good Morning P3B”

  1. Hi Miss Ross,
    It’s Ben here. I am enjoying spring too. I have been on Huuuuuge walks to the aqueduct along the Union Canal and the River Avon. My dad is being my teacher because my mum is working. He is the worst teacher in the entire universe! He keeps making me do lots of spelling.

    1. Hi Ben, lovely to hear from you! Your walks sounds great, perfect weather for it.
      You are going to be a super speller by the time you come back, maybe you can teach us our spelling from now on 😁

      Keep in touch!
      Miss Ross

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