Good morning P1! Wednesday 29th April 2020

Good morning everyone!

I hope you have had a nice start to the week. We have been hearing from lots of you all about the great things you are doing at home. Please keep sending us emails and photos and comments – we love hearing from you.

Today, or at some point when you have time, I would love it if you could do a wee activity with a grown up that I hope will remind you of how special you are.

All you have to do is look at the sheet here (I am AMAZING) and ask a grown up to read the start of each sentence to you. Your job is to tell them (or just think about it inside your head) how you could finish the sentence. You don’t need to print it or write anything down, it is just a nice chance to reflect on how unique and wonderful you all are.

We are so proud of you all; for all your super learning but also, and especially, for all the lovely things we hear that you have been doing, like helping around the house, playing with your brothers and sisters, being kind and making your families smile. You are all wonderful, never forget it!

I found a list of LOTS of fun things to do indoors for the days when the weather isn’t as nice as it has been lately – I will leave the link to it here (Fun Indoor Activities) for you to have a look at. You can try some of these if you want, but remember that you don’t have to. You might have already thought of some even better ideas yourself!

Please feel free to get in contact with us if you need help with anything at all – we are here to support you however we can.

Take care and have a lovely day,

Your P1 Teachers

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