Category Archives: P4

Cluster K’Nex Challenge

A fantastic morning with Primary 6 pupils from all cluster schools coming together to take part in a Cluster K’Nex Challenge. The teams had to construct a wheelbarrow to carry a house brick through a challenging obstacle course.  The wheelbarrows were all tested in the gym hall and the ‘ladder of doom’ ended the fate of many of them. All of the teams did a brilliant job and a huge well done to Winchburgh Primary who constructed the wheelbarrow which was the most successful.

Our team of master constructors and their model, well done boys.

Film Club

Our new film club has been up and running for a few weeks now and we’ve watched 3 very different film so far!

Our first was Beauty and the Beast, and it was interesting to compare it to the new version in cinemas.  Our second was The Lego Movie – a very different type of animation.  Our third movie was The Red Balloon – a French film from 1956.  For many of us, it was the first time we had watched a foreign film, and one that was so old.  It was really popular!

P4A Beat Out a Banging Performance

On Monday night at Howden Park Centre, Livingston, our P4A class performed an amazing demonstration of their new skills. For the last 8 weeks P4A have been working with a project called Voice Beats which gives children an opportunity for innovation and creativity combining Japanese Taiko drumming and vocals. Please see a snap shot of their performance below.

They combined their talents with Linlithgow Bridge Primary School who were also part of the project for a joint finale mass drumming performance.