Category Archives: P2

P2A Monday, 8th June

Good morning, everyone.

I hope you all had a super weekend.

Here is this week’s Learning Grid and Time Activities sheet:               Learning Grid week 10

  Time Activities

This week’s digraph is   ar   and here is a short video to help you.

I know lots of you enjoy being outdoors walking and running and cycling.  Here is a story about the Mr Men being active.

Have a good Monday.

Mrs Herbison

P2/1, P2A and P2B MINIBEASTS 8.6.20


Good Morning, everyone!

This week Primary 2 and P2/1 are learning about Slugs and Snails.

Here are some resources to help you with your learning this week.

The following Powerpoint and videos will help you to learn some facts about slugs and snails.

slugs and snails

You could try this worksheet to see if you can label the parts of a snail.

snail labelling

Why don’t you listen to the story of The Snail and the Whale.

You could practise writing your tricky words and phonics using a water bottle (a little bit like a snail’s trail).


It’s always fun to try something creative. We thought you might like to design  some colourful snails. These examples were inspired by a famous artist called Kandinsky. He loved to paint using lots of different colours and shapes.

We have attached a Powerpoint that will help you to learn about colour mixing and will tell you all about Kandinsky.


We would love to see all your colourful snails.

Have fun learning and if you are outside keep a look out for any slugs and snails.

P2/1, P2A and P2B Teachers




Good Morning, everyone.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Did you know that today is World Oceans Day? If you are interested in learning more about this you can watch this short clip  which reminds us about our connection with the ocean.

If you would like to find out more go to the resources section of this website where you will find lots of lovely activities for all ages.

I thought we could start the week with a French  song to help you practise some of the  greetings you have been learning in French.

Here is the learning grid for this week.

Learning Grid week 10

Our sound this week is ar. This video with Geraldine the Giraffe will help you.

Have a look at our Minibeasts Blog post to find some resources to help you learn about slugs and snails.

In Maths this week and next week we are learning about Time. The pack below provides lots of ideas and activities to help you. There is no expectation that you should complete all the activities. If you can, just choose a couple of activities  that would work best for you.

TIme Ideas

Please remember just do what fits in with you and your family. We would ask that you contact us weekly if you can, either to share your learning or just to say hello.

Have a lovely day,

Mrs Mills



Story Time From Home – Monday 8th June

Hello everyone,

I hope that you had a nice weekend.

Here is the result from the Story Time From Home vote. There were 48 replies and as you can see it was very close.

I am delighted to say that the winning theme was cats and as many of you know I have lots of super cat books (and 2 very naughty real cats!)  I am really looking forward to sharing some of these with you this week.  Today’s story does includes dogs and cats and is from a series of books that you might already know.

Have a nice day!

Miss McDermott

P2A Friday, 5th June

Good morning, everyone.

Today is Friday.   I hope you have all had a lovely week and are looking forward to the weekend.

Mr Tickle was the first Mr Men character created by Roger Hargreaves, inspired by his son, Adam, who had asked him what a tickle looked like.

This is what a tickle looks like!

Watch out, you never know where Mr Tickle may be!

Have a lovely day and a super weekend.

Mrs Herbison

Good Morning Primary 2B Friday 5th June 2020 Mrs Boyle

Good Morning Primary 2B,

I hope you are all well and enjoying the activities on the blog.

This week we are learning about fairytales. I have found this funny story I thought you might like to listen to.

When the princess goes missing, the king asks the greatest hero in the land to save her. But what help is a hero who’s afraid of butterflies? Follow this tale of a tooth-brushing dragon, a cookie-baking villain, and a misfit princess, who stumble their way to a most atrocious ending you have to read to believe

Can you find out what the work atrocious means? If you have time you could write a better ending to this story? Mrs Boyle and Mrs Mills would love to read them or if you want  just enjoy listening to the story.

I also want to share some of the fantastic work you have been sending.






Take Care and have a lovely weekend

Mrs Boyle

Good Morning Primary 2B Thursday 4th June 2020 Mrs Boyle

Good Morning Primary 2B,

I hope everyone is well today and I can see from all your photos you are sending Mrs Boyle and Mrs Mills  that your are all working hard.

Here is some of your fantastic stories. Well done!


Please remember to keep in touch even if its just to say a Hi!

I have found a game you might like to try today if you have  the time to help you with your spelling.

You can start at Level 1 then challenge yourself with the trickier words.


Have a fun day learning!


Story Time From Home – Thursday 4th June

Hello boys and girls

Here is the link to Thursday’s Story Time from Home.

The voting is now closed for next week’s theme.  A big thank you to everyone who took the time to vote – it was really very close! You will have to wait until Monday to find out the result though!

Hope you have a nice day even if the weather isn’t so great today.

Miss McDermott


Good Morning Primary 2B Wednesday 3rd June Mrs Boyle



Good Morning Primary 2B,

I hope you are all well today. I know you will all have had a lovely weekend out in the sun.

Yesterday I am sure you enjoyed listening to Miss McDermott’s story about Jack and the incredibly mean stalk. I thought  that all you budding scientists might like to make a zip wire for Jack  to help him to get up and down the beanstalk.






Build a zip wire to help Jack

( you could use any small doll or lego person)

to get down the beanstalk. What happens if you change the gradient?

After investigating how changing the gradient of the zip wire changes the speed Jack travels down it, experiment with different types of harness and different types of string for the zip wire.

A thicker, rougher string should mean Jack travels more slowly down the wire as there’s more friction than when using a smooth wire.


If you like puzzles if you have time you can complete this word ladder. There are trickier puzzles on website if you enjoyed this one.

As it’s Wednesday, please remember and have a look at our Health and Wellbeing blog page today.  Perhaps you could try this activity with a grown up when you have time.

Have a fun day!

Mrs Boyle

P2a P2b P2/1 Health & Wellbeing – Wednesday 3rd June

Here is the Health and Wellbeing Challenge for this week.

This activity is designed to help your child develop his/her knowledge, skills and confidence to help them respond safely to risks they may encounter online.

Learning Outcomes

  • I am aware of and able to express my feelings and am developing the ability to talk about them.
  • I can show ways of getting help in unsafe situations and emergencies.

Activity 1: Read Jessie & Friends: Sharing Pictures
– The Storybook
 Download and read Jessie & Friends: Sharing Pictures – the Storybook at
 Use questions to chat about the storybook. For example:
o Who did Tia want to send the pictures to at first?
o How did more people end up seeing the pictures?
o What made Mo feel sad?
o How did Ms Humphrey help Jessie, Tia and Mo?
 If you have a printer, print off the storybooks and ask your child to complete the activities on page 4 and 7.
No printer? Ask your child to draw a picture of a grown-up who helps them and, (if they can) write the grown-ups name, all the things they do to help your child, and/or what your child admires about them.  P1 children can just talk about these things rather than write anything.

Activity 2:  Learn the actions to the song!
 Re-watch the song on the Jessie & Friends cartoon, Episode 2 at

Use the actions and lyrics sheets to sing along and learn the actions to the chorus.
 If your child would like to they could perform the song for others in their family.

Please remember you can send us any photographs or messages about your work – we would love to receive them.

P2 teachers and Miss McDermott