Category Archives: Nursery

Good Morning

Hello boys and girls. I’ve added a link to a time capsule workbook that I thought might be a fun way to record whats going on in these strange times. You will probably need a grown up to help you and maybe some of your siblings might enjoy this activity too. If you don’t have access to a printer, perhaps you could make up your own version of the time capsule! Have a great day! Miss Matthews x

Good morning!

Good morning boys and girls. I thought I would share with you my favourite story from when I was a little girl, The Tiger who came to Tea.  (Video on Your Learning Journals)

I would like you to use your imagination, who would you like to come to your house for tea? What would you do? What would you eat?
Draw a picture, take photographs and/or ask an adult to help type it onto your Learning Journal for us to see.

I would like Winnie the Pooh to come to my house and he would investigate the flowers in my garden. He spotted a bee getting nectar to make honey from one of the flowers and we would enjoy a honey sandwich picnic.

Enjoy your weekend!

Hello boys and girls,

I just wanted to say hello and to let you know that I miss you all. I usually pop down a couple of days a week and enjoy watching you playing and learning with your friends. The ladies in nursery have been very busy posting activities that you can do from home and I can see from the pictures and comments on your Learning Journey that you have been busy. It’s great to stay in touch as we miss you all!

If you are off to school after the summer more information will come along over the next few weeks about the transition activities that your school will be holding. This is very different from what we usually do and the teachers are all working hard to get things ready for you.

Keep safe over the weekend and hopefully the sun will continue to shine!

Mrs Menmuir

Morning Nursery!!

Good morning boys and girls I have been busy this week building a den in the woods with my big boy Kyle. We had to look for lots of sticks to start with. I wonder if you could build a den in your house even? You could use sheets, blankets, pegs and maybe even a table or chair.  I can’t wait to see some of your designs.

Love Mrs Cringean xx


Good Morning Nursery!!

Good Morning boys and girls. Yesterday I went to visit some very important people at Bield House which is a retirement home that we have a link with. Please remember to post any pictures of visits to see the elderly or pictures you draw as an achievement from home on Learners Journals so all the ladies can see them. If you would like to send some pictures to Bield House the postal address is…

Bield Housing
West Port Retirement Housing
St Ninians Road

Remember to stick to the social distancing rules at all times just like I did and stay safe.
Love Miss Moore xxx

Good morning!!

Hi boys and girls! I miss playing with you all so much at nursery and I can’t wait till we are all together again. Today I made up a little exercise routine for you to do at home with your parents/carers. Give it a go and let me know how you get on! I would love to see pictures/videos of you doing this too. I hope you’re all keeping safe and healthy.

Love Miss Wallace x