All posts by Mrs Bell

P3A Monday 18th May

Good Morning P3A 🙂

I hope you had a relaxing weekend.  I spent time in my garden fixing nets for my pea plants.  They have started to grow a bit taller now and need some support to help them stay upright.  The onions and potatoes seem to be growing well too but I’m not sure about my strawberry plants- I can’t see much happening!  My children helped to pull out some weeds too.

I also tried out the drawing activity from the Week 7 grid.  I tried the Gregosaurus the stegosaurus video.  I am pleased with it 🙂  Send me your pictures if you try any.

This week’s learning grid is on the website and linked below.  New activities and challenges have been set on Heinemann Active and Sumdog too.

I know lots of you are already keeping in touch.  If you are able to send an email once a week that would be great.

Mrs Bell

P3A Friday 15th May

Good Morning P3 🙂

Happy Friday!  I hope you have been enjoying the activities on our P3 grid this week.  If you managed to make the egg box mouse I’d love to see it.  Does anyone have a recommendation of a book they have enjoyed on Oxford Owl? There’s so much choice!  If you email me your top picks, I’ll add them to next week’s blog.  It could help your classmates find their next book!

Just a wee reminder that P3 have access to Maths, Spelling and Grammar sections on Sumdog. I know lots of the class have been on enjoying Sumdog this week.

Today’s exciting news is about Sumdog’s West Lothian Maths Contest.  It started this morning at 8am and finishes at 8pm on Thursday 21st May.  You’ll see the contest activity on your homepage and any games you play when this is displayed will count towards your score.  Other classes in LPS are joining in with this too, I think it sounds like great fun!

Have a good weekend and I’ll be back on the blog on Monday.

Mrs Bell



P3A Tuesday 12th May

Good Morning 3A

Well done to those who gave some of the Sumdog challenges a go yesterday.  I hope these are something you enjoy.   🙂

Please remember the activities we give you are suggestions only,   We try to give a variety of tasks to suit everyone’s interests and levels.  I have set two different times table challenges on Sumdog.  I’d say start with x2, x3, x4, x5 and x10 and see how you find it.  Don’t worry if you’re not quite ready for the trickier tables just yet.

Thanks to those who sent emails yesterday.  I enjoyed seeing some French animals, bar charts and lego models.

Since some of 3A tried data handling work yesterday, here’s a game about tally marks you might want to try today.

Have a good day!

Mrs Bell

P3A Monday 11th May

Good Morning 3A!

I hope everyone had a good weekend and is ready for the week.  I enjoyed time in my garden on Saturday.  I showed my daughter how to play hopscotch, we drew the outline in chalk and painted a stone to use as the marker.  Do any of you enjoy hopscotch? Ask someone at home to show you if you’re not sure how to play.

All of the learning resources you need for Week 6 can be found on the LPS website (link below).  We have planned activities that do not need to be printed off.  You can write in your Home Learning jotter or talk through your answers with someone at home.

It’s great to see so many of the class have now been on Sumdog.  This week you’ll see we have set challenges for P3.  Can you log in and see how you get on with times tables and fractions?  The challenges are live now until Friday 12.25pm.  Good luck!

Mrs Bell 🙂

P3A Friday 1st May

Good Morning 3A 🙂

Happy Friday!  Thank you to everyone who has emailed myself and Ms Occardi.  It’s great to hear how you are getting on at home.  A boy in 3A got in touch to say he’d been learning about Morse Code.  Here’s a little challenge for you!  Can you work out what this message says? Comment or email if you think you’ve got it!

 …. / .- / .–. / .–. / -.–

..-. / .-. / .. / -.. / .- / -.– / .-.-.-

…. / .- / …- / .


–. / — / — / -..

 .– / .  /. / -.- / . / -. / -.. / .-.-.-

Hope you have a great weekend. Please remember Monday next week is a holiday and Tuesday is an In Service day.   Ms Occardi will be back on the blog on Wednesday.

Mrs Bell 🙂

P3A Tuesday 28th April

Good Morning P3A!

Yesterday the school office sent out the P3 logins for Sumdog.

This is a very exciting learning website where Ms Occardi and myself can set activities for you to play. If you have some time today, please try and log in to your account.  You will be asked some maths questions first in a diagnostic test.  It’s important you answer these yourself (with no help from mum or dad!) so the games and activities afterwards are at the correct level for you.


P3 were also sent logins for Oxford Owl. To login- click on the ‘My Class Login’ button at the top of the page.  The website has free ebooks for you to read.  Happy reading!  Let me know if you find a great book!

If you don’t have your login details for either of these sites, send me an email and I’ll send them over.

Mrs Bell 🙂

P3A Monday 27th April

Good Morning 3A!

I hope everyone had a good weekend and enjoyed the warm weather.   I spent time with my family playing outside.  My children enjoyed drawing chalk pictures on the slabs then they helped me water the plants in the garden.  It turned into a bit of a water fight with the hose and we ended up soaked! This year we are growing potatoes, peas, onions and carrots.  We can see the shoots just starting to appear from the soil. Are any of you growing vegetables too?

Here is the P3 Home Learning grid for this week.   P3 Week 4 plan (Mon27.04)

I’ve also set new games on Active Heinemann so please log in and give these a try.  For those that would like an extra task I’ve added some of the activity sheets we would have been doing in class.  You don’t need to print these off, you could talk through the work with someone at home or record answers on paper.  I know some of you emailed me last week to show photographs and tell me about your work.  I would love to hear from you again this week.   You can reply to this post or send Ms Occardi and myself an email.

Mrs Bell 🙂

Welcome to Term 4!

Hello P3A,

I hope you are staying safe and have had a fun holiday with your families.  It would be really great to see some photos of any activities or work you have been doing at home.  Post them here for us to see!  This week’s P3 home learning files are on the school website and I’ve allocated everyone new games to play on Heinemann Active.  Let me know if you’re enjoying the games and I can add more for you!

Mrs Bell 🙂