Music Time with Mrs McWhirter

Hi everyone  from Mrs McWhirter. I hope you all had a lovely Easter break and enjoyed the sunshine! I am missing seeing and hearing  you all but I hope we can have some musical fun and learning here!

I hope you enjoy this song all about the lovely flowers coming out just now and many more images of the wonderful world! I think some of you will already know this song and can sing along.

My favourite part is the Boom de anna bit which is repeated many times and you could clap along to that part or tap your knees or find something safe in your house to use as a drum. A cardboard box can make a great sound and wooden spoons can be tapped together a bit like our claves! Please always ask before you try to make sure it’s safe!

Another thing you could try is writing your own verse about what you like. I would love to read some of your ideas here so please get song writing! Here’s my verse, try and sing it!

I like the Springtime, I like the blossom trees

I like the garden , I like the bumble bees

I like the sunlight shining down on me

Boom de anna boom de anna boom de anna boom de anna

Good luck!

10 thoughts on “Music Time with Mrs McWhirter”

  1. Mrs McWhirter, this is one of my favourite springtime songs!
    I have been singing this all morning. We have the same favourite part! Thank you for sharing on this lovely day.
    Here’s my verse –

    I like the butterflies, I like the buzzing bees

    I like the green grass, I like the budding trees

    I like the family walks out again we go

    Boom de anna boom de anna boom de anna boom de anna

    Mrs Herbison

    1. Thank you Mrs Herbison and what a lovely verse! I have been singing it all day too and now we have two new verses!

  2. Chloe in P1B loves this song! Thank you.
    She also likes the short song by the same people about peas. We found that today after listening to your link on YouTube.

  3. Hi Mrs McWhirter,

    Zac loved the song this morning and he made up some lines of his own! Thank you for sharing this with us 😊

    I like to see what makes me happy – I like playing hide and seek and tag with my family

    I like the clear blue sky, and watching the clouds go by

    I like to run – in the beautiful sun

    1. I’m so glad Zac enjoyed the song and I’m so pleased to read his lovely new verse! I’m singing it now and especially like the bit about the clouds going by in the blue sky!Keep enjoying the song and the sunshine Zac!

    2. Great verse, Zac! Thank you, Mrs McWhirter, for the music! Sorry we are 1 day late to catch up. Shona just sang again and again, so that her daddy sang,“I like the toffee, I like the tablet
      I like the sweeties, I like all chocolate
      I like Easter Eggs hidden all over the place and ice cream dripping on my face”

      1. I’m so glad Shona liked the song, it does get stuck in your memory very easily! I really like the verse your daddy made up but it’s making me very hungry!Keep singing!

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