P1c Learning Update 28th March

We now have an engineer’s corner set up in the classroom and are enjoying usingĀ  this for both building and designing our own constructions.

This week’s team challenge also involved building as we had to work together to build a bridge for the Three Billy Goats Gruff.Ā  The bridge had to be 50cm wide and be able to carry the weight of the three goats.Ā  As you will see from the photographs, the groups used different construction materials so in some ways the challenge wasn’t very fair! However we have been learning all about being “resilient” in P1c and none of the groups gave up.

This term our topic is The Farm and part of thisĀ  has been learning about different animals.Ā  We have particularly enjoyed learning about sheep and were rather surprised to learn that sheep can give us milk!

In RME we read the story of The Lost Sheep and drew some fantastic pictures to show different partsĀ  the story.

We were delighted last week to welcome Mrs Burns (who is a parent of another P1 child at our school) into our class to read us a story.Ā  We are currently taking part in the First Minister’s Reading Challenge and we are trying to read 100 books before the summer holidays!

Mrs Burns read us a story in German and it was all about goats!

As part of the First Minister’s Reading Challenge we all received Reading passports. Each week we complete a review of a book that we have read and give it a star rating. This week’s book was My Big Brother Boris by Liz Pichon.

Here are a few of our reviews.