P1c Learning Update 28th March

We now have an engineer’s corner set up in the classroom and are enjoying usingĀ  this for both building and designing our own constructions.

This week’s team challenge also involved building as we had to work together to build a bridge for the Three Billy Goats Gruff.Ā  The bridge had to be 50cm wide and be able to carry the weight of the three goats.Ā  As you will see from the photographs, the groups used different construction materials so in some ways the challenge wasn’t very fair! However we have been learning all about being “resilient” in P1c and none of the groups gave up.

This term our topic is The Farm and part of thisĀ  has been learning about different animals.Ā  We have particularly enjoyed learning about sheep and were rather surprised to learn that sheep can give us milk!

In RME we read the story of The Lost Sheep and drew some fantastic pictures to show different partsĀ  the story.

We were delighted last week to welcome Mrs Burns (who is a parent of another P1 child at our school) into our class to read us a story.Ā  We are currently taking part in the First Minister’s Reading Challenge and we are trying to read 100 books before the summer holidays!

Mrs Burns read us a story in German and it was all about goats!

As part of the First Minister’s Reading Challenge we all received Reading passports. Each week we complete a review of a book that we have read and give it a star rating. This week’s book was My Big Brother Boris by Liz Pichon.

Here are a few of our reviews.



P1c Primary Engineers – 17th March

As part of British Science Week we have been revisiting our learning about engineers. We love to build things but this week we have also been learning about designing things too.

Along with lots of other classes in school we are taking part in the Primary Engineers competition which is quite tricky for P1! We have been reading lots of robot stories to help us get some ideas for designing and making our own robots and also thinking about jobs that robots could do to help people.

We worked with a partner to make our robots and could choose whether to use construction materials or junk. Everyone’s model had to include a “button” to turn it on and off!

We drew pictures of our robots and labelled them for the competition. We also had to write a sentence explaining what our robot could do. Here are just a few of them.

Sophia’s mum came into class to tell us all about her job as a civil engineer. Ā We enjoyed looking at the fantastic photos of the Queensferry Crossing as it was being built and also seeing some real engineers’ plans.Ā  We asked lots of questions.

Thank you very much to Sophia’s mum for leaving her special Health and Safety clothing for us to try on too!



P1c Learning Update 9th March

As part of our Percy the Park Keeper topic we had been learning about foxes and lots of the stories we have read recently have included foxes too.Ā  WeĀ  have learned that foxes can jump up to 3m. We made these super fox masks and went out into the playground to see if we could jump 3m and had great fun trying – as you can see!

As part of Fair Trade Fortnight we had a visitor from Linlithgow Fair Trade group who told us all about different fair trade products.

This week our team challenge was to work together to create a puppet show telling the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff.Ā  We had to decide who would be each of the characters and some people had to be 2 characters.Ā  We only had 10 minutes to practise before we performed to the rest of the class.Ā  Some of us were fantastic at speaking in “troll voices”!

On Thursday it was World Book Day and we enjoyed sharing stories with our P6 buddies. Some of us went upstairs to the P6 classrooms (that’s why there aren’t photos of everyone!) We also started our First Minister’s Reading Challenge – more information to follow soon!


P1c February Learning Update

This term as part of our learning in RME we have been talking about the golden goal “Do be kind and helpful”.Ā  In particular we have been talking about people that who are special to us and how we can be kind and helpful to them.Ā  We have been reading lots of stories about special people and being kind including the story of St Valentine on the 14th of February.

We liked finding how he helped people to get married even though the Emperor had forbidden it and this is why people now send cards and give gifts on St Valentine’s Day. We hope our special people liked our gifts!

One of this month’s team challenges was the Penguin Rescue.Ā Ā  During the challenge we had toĀ  useĀ  our thinking skills and work together to free the penguin from the block of ice.Ā  However we were not allowed to smash the ice on the floor in case the penguin got damaged. As you will see from the photographs we had lots of great ideas. These ranged from everything including blowing, rubbing, and shaking.Ā Ā  And yes all of the penguins were rescued and none of them were damaged!!


We also completed a very different team challengeĀ  –Ā  to make aĀ  farm animals poster.Ā  In this challenge we had to practise our talking and listening skills as well as our thinking skills as we had to make sure that everyone in our teamĀ  drew different animals.Ā  Miss McDermott was very impressed because she thought that there might have been a lot of doubles and we proved her wrong!