This week in P1a – 20th April

This term we will be learning all about famous artists and we started this week by learning about Picasso.  We read a story about Picasso and then we looked at some of his famous works including paintings and sculptures and talked about what we liked and disliked.

Then we created some our of own Picasso style faces as you can see below!

We learned that when Picasso was sad he painted using lots of shades of blue.  We mixed different shades of blue paint and created our own “Blue Period” Picasso art gallery.

In Science we are still learning about forces so as the weather was nice we went outside to do an investigation.  We worked in teams to find out which ball would travel the furthest down the ramp but first of all we had to make sure we were doing a “fair test”.  All of the teams predicted a different ball but in the end we found out the same result and the tennis ball was the winner!