P1a Lego, Marmalade and Science Week – 18th March

Since we started in P1 we have been practising our fine motor skills to make the muscles in our hands and fingers stronger.  We do this in lots of different ways and in lots of different curricular areas.  For example – using scissors for cutting, using the tweezers for picking things up, finger painting, threading things such as beads etc. The photos below show just some of these and the results of all this practice – look at how fantastic we are getting at handwriting!


In maths we are continuing to add and subtract numbers within 10 and one of our favourite activities at the moment is a Lego game where we have to add or take away bricks.  The winner is the person with the largest tower.

Miss McDermott had bought a new book about Paddington Bear in London when she was there at the February weekend. We enjoyed listening to the story but lots of us hadn’t tried Paddington’s favourite snack – marmalade sandwiches.

With Mrs Smith’s help, we made a selection of different marmalade sandwiches and had a little tasting session. You will see from the photographs we had a visitor in the middle of the tasting session!   We then collected the data about our favourites and used this to create a chart.  Miss McDermott also showed us how you can do this on the computer – much quicker!

This week was British Science Week and our focus was on different things that can be pushed  and pulled.  We linked this to our reading as we used a non fiction book to follow instructions and make a “bug” that worked by pulling the strings to make it move. We also practised our fine motor skills as we had to cut and thread.