P1a Lego, Marmalade and Science Week – 18th March

Since we started in P1 we have been practising our fine motor skills to make the muscles in our hands and fingers stronger.  We do this in lots of different ways and in lots of different curricular areas.  For example – using scissors for cutting, using the tweezers for picking things up, finger painting, threading things such as beads etc. The photos below show just some of these and the results of all this practice – look at how fantastic we are getting at handwriting!


In maths we are continuing to add and subtract numbers within 10 and one of our favourite activities at the moment is a Lego game where we have to add or take away bricks.  The winner is the person with the largest tower.

Miss McDermott had bought a new book about Paddington Bear in London when she was there at the February weekend. We enjoyed listening to the story but lots of us hadn’t tried Paddington’s favourite snack – marmalade sandwiches.

With Mrs Smith’s help, we made a selection of different marmalade sandwiches and had a little tasting session. You will see from the photographs we had a visitor in the middle of the tasting session!   We then collected the data about our favourites and used this to create a chart.  Miss McDermott also showed us how you can do this on the computer – much quicker!

This week was British Science Week and our focus was on different things that can be pushed  and pulled.  We linked this to our reading as we used a non fiction book to follow instructions and make a “bug” that worked by pulling the strings to make it move. We also practised our fine motor skills as we had to cut and thread.




Health and Wellbeing Event

Our whole school Health and Wellbeing Showcase was on Thursday, February 22nd.   The event ran from 1.30pm to 3pm, and also 6-7pm.
The purpose of the event was to show all parents an area of our curriculum from our Improvement Plan.  We wanted all parents to see how this area of the curriculum is embedded across the school and to get a feel for what it looks like at each stage.   It was also an opportunity for our P7s and reps from each class to talk to parents about learning in this area.
We would very much appreciate feedback from parents about this event; whether you attended or not.  If you did attend, you can give us feedback about the value of the event and what could be amended for future planning. Many thanks to those who took the time to write a comment for our Feedback Tree.
If you were unable to attend, we would be really interested in the reasons for this so that we can plan effectively in the future.
All feedback is valuable to us.
Please take a few moments to complete and give us your feedback. Copy and paste link below into your browser to complete.

Lagganlia Update

Update on P7 trip to Lagganlia.
Please link below to dorm allocation that would have been given out at school today.
Reminder to refer to clothing list, but to bring lots of extra layers given present weather conditions.
Reminder to bring all medical forms and medication to school office by 8.45am Monday.
Children should bring their luggage to school hall when they arrive on Monday.
At the moment, we are planing that our residential will go ahead.  We have discussed this with Lagganlia, the bus company and also the SMT at West Lothian Education.   We will, of course, be keeping a close eye on weather forecasts over the weekend, and will keep parents updated, if necessary.

P7 Lagganlia Trip Update

This is an update about the P7 Lagganlia trip next week. The trip at the moment will still go ahead. We have spoken to Lagganlia Centre and they have told us they all roads are clear and safe to drive. We will update you if anything changes.

Please check the following basic kit list. Remember that is is the minimum requirements. Link to list below:-

Lagganlia Suggested Clothing List

They have however suggested to pack some extra layers as well as extra gloves, hat, snood and socks due to the cold weather.

Please note that any MEDICAL forms as well as any medicines needs to be into the office for 8:45 Monday at the latest. Staff will not be allowed to give any medicines without relevant completed medical forms and approval from parents.

Please bring all luggage to the school hall on Monday first thing. Children will also need a packed lunch for Monday.

P1a Health and Wellbeing Showcase

Here are the powerpoint presentation and photographs of our stand at the recent Health and Wellbeing Showcase held in school.  It was deliberately quite simple so that the children were able to talk about what they had been learning without any adult help.  Thank you to everyone who came along, especially in the afternoon when the children were at the stand talking about their learning.

HWB PPT showcase