This week’s learning in P1a – 26 January

It has been another very busy week in P1a!

This week as part of our  health and wellbeing curriculum we learned all about germs and the importance of washing our hands properly.  Here is the video we watched and discussed in class – it’s got quite a catchy little song at the end too!

We practised washing our hands and singing the song  and now that we are “germbusters” hopefully we will all stay healthy.

Well done to the boys and girls who sang the handwashing song as they washed their hands!

This week’s team challenge had a winter theme,  At nursery,  we had learned how water changed into ice when the temperature was really cold.  Our challenge was to free a little dolphin from a block of ice without damaging it.  We were not allowed to smash or chip the ice but we had lots of other good ideas as you will see from the photos.  It was not quite as easy as we first thought!

And here is the winning team!

This term in PE we are practising throwing and catching.  Our PE day is now Wednesday, however over the next 2 weeks we may need to use some of our hall time to practise for our assembly.  Miss McDermott was very impressed with our throwing and catching skills already! If the weather is not too cold or wet we can hopefully practise this outside too.

We have been learning all about Scotland this week and have enjoyed lots of Scots stories, poems and songs.  We made  Saltire flags for our special Scottish celebration on Thursday.